How To Use The Node Tracker In Apex Legends

June 2024 · 3 minute read
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One aspect of massive multiplayer shooters that tends to keep them alive is the idea of temporary currency. Compute Nodes are just that for Apex Legends. With the Neon Network Collection, players can collect Compute Nodes to buy items from the seasonal reward shop in Apex Legends. However, if you want Nodes, you’ll have to have a Node Tracker on you in-game. If you’ve just come back to Apex Legends after a long time being away, or are simply new to this seasonal event, we have a guide that can help you out in gathering Nodes with the Node Tracker in Apex Legends.

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What are Nodes in Apex Legends?

If you want to get your hands on some Nodes, you’ll have to play the Battle Royale mode, either Trios or Duos. Unfortunately, Ranked play isn’t an option for Node collecting, and the Node Tracker won’t appear in your inventory. Nodes act as a currency for the seasonal reward shop, so the more you manage to find each round the more you can profit for some special gifts. You can only collect so many Nodes before you reach your limit for the round, so keeping the limit in mind along with how your round is going can help you reach the max limit while also staying ahead of the round’s requirements for winning.

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How To Find Compute Nodes in Apex Legends

To use the Node Tracker, first land and find it in your inventory. Once you have it out, you should be able to track any nearby Nodes as you wander across the map. The bars on the Node Tracker will point towards Nodes, beeping more frequently when a Node is closer. When you are close enough to a Node to begin hacking, a blue circle area will appear in front of your character. Enter that area to begin hacking the Node in order to claim it. Once the device’s colors turn red, your Node Tracker has begun uploading the data from the Node. After doing this, you’ll be met with a notification that confirms you’ve received the Node.

All Nodes you’ve hacked will be collected at the end of the game. They have their own tab section at the end of the game’s results page. After you’ve collected a good amount of Nodes, try going to the seasonal tab of Apex’s shop for some exclusive goodies. These rewards can include banners and other cosmetics for you to show off throughout your games.

About the author

Jessica Oliver

Jessica Oliver is a passionate writer, editor, and story enjoyer. Writing about cartoon animals and colorful video game characters pays the bills, so she's set for life. She enjoys writing about Sonic, Super Monkey Ball, and games that are generally out of style.

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