Inside Haleigh & Fessy's Romance Outside the Big Brother House

May 2024 · 1 minute read

When Haleigh Broucher and Faysal "Fessy" Shafaat entered the Big Brother house, they had their eyes on the prize.

With $500,000 up for grabs, the contestants knew they had to build alliances, win competitions and master the unpredictable game. But along the way, the two players started developing feelings for each other. One year later and the sparks are still flying.

Despite a long-distance relationship—Fessy lives in Orlando while Haleigh calls Houston home—the couple has stayed strong and are ready to move to the same town together.

"What we've been doing is every few weeks, we book a flight so we know that no matter what, we're going to see the other in let's just say two weeks because I think giving yourself that time frame and knowing that you're going to see them no matter what—that actually makes it better," Haleigh shared with E! News exclusively. "You have something to look forward to."

When the couple is able to be in the same city together, it's all about quality time. Instead of nights out at the bar, it's ordering takeout and watching Netflix.
