Octopath Traveler 2 inventor skill item locations

June 2024 · 3 minute read

Inventor is one of Octopath Traveler 2’s secret jobs, and has a special method for unlocking the skills. Rather than using Job Points (JP), you need to bring items from around the world to the guildmaster items to complete inventions, which allow you to unlock more skills.

You start with two skills, Changeable Catapult and Springy Boots, but the other skills require you to present Akar with items. Some items are easy to find — and you’ll likely have them on hand — like soulstones and weapons. However, other items are unique and require you to find hunt them down, by stealing them from NPCs or finding them in chests.

Once you make each of the inventions, you’ll get the Divine Skill “All-Purpose Tool,” which begins the crafting time on all inventions, so you don’t have to wait for another turn. You’ll also get some money and the Mechanical Top Hat armor.

You will need characters who can steal items from and knock out NPCs in order to get some of these. We recommend using Agnea and Throné.

Below, we list out where to find the equipment and unique items you’ll need to learn all the inventor skills.

Critical Scope item locations

Both the items needed for Critical Scope (Unerring Earring and Critical Earring) can be purchased from weapon shops.

Unerring Earring is from New Delsta (where you get Throné) and Critical Earring can be bought from Canalbrine (where you get Castti).

Elemental Bomb Bottle item locations

To build the Elemental Bomb Bottle, you’ll need a Fire Soulstone, Ice Soulstone, Thunder Soulstone, and a Rainbow Glass Bottle. The soulstones are easy enough to come by — you should get a ton from pickpocketing NPCs, defeating monsters, and opening chests.

However, the Rainbow Glass Bottle is a unique item in a specific chest in the harbor area of Conning Creek, as marked below:

Tin Horn item locations

The Tin Horn requires an Empowering Lychee (which you can find in loads around the world), a Tin Toy and a Mythical Horn.

The Tin Toy is a unique item that requires you to complete chapter three of Partitio’s storyline. Once you finish the department store in Wellgrove, go inside at night. A merchant inside will have the toy, which you can take off of him:

The Mythical Horn is in a chest in Nameless Village. You will have to knock out a beastling to get to it:

Hastening Hammer item locations

The required items for the Hastening Hammer are a Soldier’s Bow, a Great Blade, and a Guardian’s Axe. The Soldier’s Bow can be bought from the shop in Clockbank and the Guardian’s Axe can be bought from the weapon shop in Stormhail.

The Great Blade isn’t a unique item, but you can grab one from this soldier in the tavern at night in Stormhail. Agnea can get it off of him if she’s level 37 or higher.

Arkar’s Coil item locations

Arkar’s Coil is the last skill and it requires the most items, all of which are unique: Scrap Metal, an Ancient Cog, and Natural Magnetite.

An NPC in Clockbank’s Industrial District has the Scrap Metal and you can use any of the party’s respective item-taking skills to get it from them:

The Ancient Cog is on Roque Island, and you’ll need to get it from an NPC at night. If you don’t have access to Roque Island, you need to do more of Partitito’s story to unlock the boat. The NPC is in the location below, in the house next to the tavern:

The Natural Magnetite is inside a mine labeled as an “Unfinished Tunnel” connected to Southern Crackridge Wilds. You’ll need to knock out the NPC in front that warns you that it’s too dangerous and open up a chest:
