Elliot Page has had a career that is uniquer than that of many other members of Hollywood. They came out as trans to the world and went through a very public transition, a move that garnered Page a huge following and support. Page also went through a very public divorce with their ex-wife Emma Porter following a three-year-long marriage, a good portion of which took place prior to Page's transition. The pair haven't exactly announced their reason for divorcing but had already separated prior to making this decision.
Page, who identifies as non-binary post-transition, has not been linked to anyone since their divorce from Emma Porter, but fans feel the tide may be changing in this regard, as they believe Page may be dating their long-time friend, Mae Martin. With the two having made some appearances on each other's Instagram's over the years, and showing up on red carpets together, fans have already been shipping the pair together and are hopeful that there is a romance between the two.
Mae Martin Is Relatively New To Hollywood
Mae Martin's acting and writing career is new in comparison to many others in their position, but they do come from a family with an artistic background. Their father is James Chatto, a child actor turned writer and food critic. Chatto is most known for appearing in 1963s Lord of the Flies.
Mae's first acting credit is from a 2001 short called Bagatelle. From there, they appeared in other miniseries and television series until they landed Netflix's Feel Good. Mae not only stars in Netflix's Feel Good, but wrote the story behind it as well, basing the main character of the story on themselves.
Mae, who like Elliot Page identifies as non-binary, struggled with addiction in their youth, and many of their experiences are outlined in the show. While Feel Good isn't necessarily autobiographical, it does pull from experiences Mae went through in their life.
Prior to making it big, they had decided they wanted to pursue a career in comedy at a young age, eventually moving to England to pursue their career and connect with their English heritage, something they were unable to do in Toronto, Canada.
And they have been able to have a successful career thus far, fulfilling their dream of being a comedian and an artist, and even having their dream of working with Friends star Lisa Kudrow come true.
Elliot Page And Mae Martin Have A Long Standing Friendship
While Elliot Page has a longer standing career in Hollywood, and Mae Martin is a newcomer to the scene, the pair, who are the same age, have been friends for around 15 years, having met at a bar when they were just 19 years old.
Martin recalls that they were "a weird sort-of homeless stoner" who lived in an apartment with no locks or doors when Elliot was on set filming X-Men The Last Stand. The pair shared one mutual friend and were able to reconnect with each other when Page reached out to compliment Mae's stand-up comedy skills.
And the pair have hit it off ever since, being supportive of each other's gender identities and careers. Mae and Elliot have matching tattoos, something that close friends often do with each other, of coffee cups, with Mae getting it placed on their ribs and Elliot getting the design on their arm.
The two have also playfully called each other a "heartthrob" and "a true stud" in their Instagram posts, further solidifying their closeness to one another. Fans of the two have flooded their posts with positive comments about their friendship.
Page even contributed to a New York Times profile of Mae Martin where they sang their praises, complementing them "as a creative force to be reckoned with" and how he was in awe of Martin's depictions of gender identity and sexuality in their writing.
Fans Speculate That The Two Are More Than Just Friends
While many fans commend Elliot Page and Mae Martin for their close friendship, others are speculating that the two are actually a couple after appearing at a red carpet event together for the 11th Annual LACMA Art + Film Gala in LA.
Both Page and Martin posted pictures of the two together on Instagram, and it was the captions that captured the attention of their fan base, with Martin writing "My King @elliotpage took me out. Thank you @gucci for the suit and @lacma for the sunning night."
Comments on the post blew up with many complimenting the pair on their good looks, sending a slew of fire emojis and many saying they were going into a "gay panic" at the idea of the two being a couple.
Neither Elliot Page nor Mae Martin has spoken up to confirm or deny the rumors that the two are possibly a couple, but it seems like their fan base will happily support them regardless of their relationship status simply because of how close the two are.