Is Inuyasha and Kagome alive in Yashahime?

September 2024 · 6 minute read
They all reunite, realize they are related, and then go back to the Feudal era because of plot reasons. Inuyasha and Kagome are trapped in a pearl for more plot reasons, Rin is stuck in a tree for yet more plot reasons, Sango and Miroku haven't aged a day, and somehow Kaede is still alive.

Does Inuyasha and Kagome return in Yashahime?

After 14 years, Inuyasha and Kagome finally came out of the Black Pearl in episode 40 of Yashahime.

Why did Kagome and Inuyasha leave Moroha?

When Kagome and Inuyasha had Moroha, she was sent away as a baby to be kept safe from Kirinmaru, who seeks to destroy half-demons. Her parents were then sealed away inside the Black Rainbow Pearl, leaving Moroha to grow up without them.

Does Kagome come back to life?

When we last saw both Inuyasha and Kagome, they had defeated Naraku, and in doing so, Kagome was brought back to her present. Following three years after this event, she had returned back to Inuyasha and given birth to a daughter named Moroha.

How old is Kagome in Yashahime?

Kagome is born in 1982. In the original series, she's 14-15 which means that the modern era it takes place around 1996-1997 (the year the Inuyasha Manga was released), she would be 18 in the three-year time skip which would be around 2000.

InuYasha and Kagome are Alive?! | YashaHime Update

Does Moroha meet Inuyasha and Kagome?

Yashahime Season 2 Episode 14: Moroha Finally Meets Kagome and Inuyasha. Yashahime season 2 returns with episode 14 as the start of the second cour. Sesshomaru lends Morhoa his hand as she fights Kirinmaru. Towa and Setsuna also came to help them.

How many years are Inuyasha and Yashahime?

The story of Inuyasha and Kagome in the first episode takes place around six months after the end of the first series, and 10 years before the start of Yashahime.

Where did Inuyasha and Kagome go in Yashahime?

They all reunite, realize they are related, and then go back to the Feudal era because of plot reasons. Inuyasha and Kagome are trapped in a pearl for more plot reasons, Rin is stuck in a tree for yet more plot reasons, Sango and Miroku haven't aged a day, and somehow Kaede is still alive.

Does Rin wake up in Yashahime?

Now that Rin is awake and the Silver-Scale Curse is progressing, time is running out for the half-demon princesses to save their mother. While it's up to Setsuna to successfully sever the link between Zero and Rin, many Yashahime fans expect to see Sesshōmaru team up with his daughters to protect her.

How does Yashahime end?

Yashahime recently aired its Season 2 finale, ushering in a surprising era of peace and happiness for all of its characters. With Kirinmaru defeated and the series losing its main antagonist, everyone is safe and reunited for the first time without a current threat hanging over them.

Why does Moroha doesnt know Kagome?

If Moroha is oblivious to her parents' existence, Sōta might have had his memories erased! He might not recall that Kagome is his older sister, and that she traveled on numerous adventures in the Sengoku Jidai with a hanyô (or half-demon) named InuYasha!

Will there be a 3rd season of Yashahime?

There is still no concrete confirmation of another season of Yashahime, which could leave fans with only two seasons of content to enjoy. The series, which follows the children of Inuyasha alumnus Sesshomaru, Rin, Kagome, and Inuyasha, may have already completed its story.

Why is Moroha so weak?

Weaknesses. Demonic Energy Exhaustion: Due to being 75% human, Moroha's demonic energy is weaker than her father's; though she is strong enough to take out average yōkai, like due to her grandfather being a daiyōkai.

Is Miroku and Sango alive in Yashahime?

Miroku & Sango are in Yashahime!

In the sequel, Miroku and Sango live a quiet life deep in the mountains with their two daughters, while their son follows Kohaku as a Yokai taijiya.

Does Setsuna come back to life?

After Towa used the Zanseiken to save Rion from her past and Osamu Kirin and collapsed, Setsuna was left extremely worried that there was no way of bringing her back. After Towa granted Rion use of her body to bid farewell to her father Kirinmaru, Rion returned her twin to life, much to her joy.

Is Rin still alive in Yashahime?

In a desperate attempt to protect her children, Rin grabs Sesshōmaru's sword and asks him to kill her instead because she loves their children more than anything. When Zero leaves to give them time to consider her ultimatum, Rin passes out from the curse.

Does Rin marry Sesshomaru?

Rin married Sesshomaru and became his wife at some point in time before the events in Yashahime. She then gave birth to their twin daughters, Towa and Setsuna, soon after which they were left in the forest.

Will Koga be in Yashahime?

Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon surprised with Koga's return in the newest episode of the Inuyasha sequel anime!

How old is Sango in Yashahime?

Sango. Sango (珊瑚, Sango) is a sixteen-year-old demon slayer (妖怪退治屋, yōkai taijiya, "Apparition Exterminators").

How old is Moroha in Yashahime?

According to the official series website, Moroha is a 14-year-old bounty hunter. She kills yokai and trades their body parts—like fangs—for money. The site describes Moroha's personality as "cheerful," but while she's the daughter of Inuyasha and Kagome, she doesn't know them, as she grew up alone.

How old is RIn from Yashahime?

In Hanyō no Yashahime episode 3, season 2, Rin was confirmed to be 18 years old when she gave birth to her daughters. Along with Kagome, Kohaku, and the three protagonists of Yashahime she is one of the only characters to explicitly have her exact age stated.

Will Moroha see her parents again?

After an entire season without their parents, the half-demon princesses finally discover their parents' whereabouts in Season 2 of Yashahime -- thanks to the barrier at Mount Musubi.

Why is Moroha sidelined?

A big part of this sidelining stems from unclear character motivation. From the get-go, the show has made it very clear that the central protagonist is Towa, one of the two daughters of Sesshomaru. Towa's central drive as a character is to repair her damaged relationship with her sister by recovering her dreams.

How strong is Kagome in Yashahime?

She is strong in her own right and could frequently be seen in battles teaming up with Inuyasha. After gaining control over her latent powers, she nearly wiped out Naraku early on. Kagome's shooting and healing abilities, as well as raw spiritual power, make her one of the strongest priestesses in Yashahime.
