Is Meg Pregnant in Family Guy? Could Meg Be Expecting a Baby in Family Guys Upcoming Episodes?

August 2024 · 3 minute read

Is Meg Pregnant in Family Guy? Family Guy is starting its 22nd season, making it one of the longest-running animated TV shows ever. It first came out in 1999, which was two years after South Park and ten years after The Simpsons, in case you’re keeping track. 

Even though it got canceled briefly, it’s been on Fox/20th Television Animation for a really long time. The cast has mostly stayed the same, and the show’s humor and style have stayed consistent too.

We are excited to share a part of the Family Guy season 22. It has all the funny stuff that fans love, like jokes, clever writing, and great voice-acting.

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Is Meg Pregnant in Family Guy? A Look Behind the Pregnancy!!

is meg pregnant in family guy

Yes, Meg has a baby in the first episode of Season 22 of Family Guy. The family goes to a party for someone’s birthday. 

After the party, Meg offers to help a guy named Bruce clean up. Bruce tells Meg that he really wants to have a baby, and Meg agrees to have a baby for him and his partner, Jeffery. 

Peter and Lois, Meg’s parents, aren’t happy about this, but Meg goes ahead with the plan. While Meg is pregnant, she argues with her family a lot. 

Time passes, and we see a quick sequence showing the baby’s birth. They decide the baby will live with Meg temporarily while its parents get ready for its arrival at their home.

Surprisingly, Meg becomes very attached to the baby. She finds comfort in caring for something that needs her. 

She keeps postponing giving the baby back to its dads, Bruce and Jeffery. But when the baby says its first words, Meg realizes it’s time to let the baby go and be with its fathers.

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Exploring the Exciting New Adventures and Humorous Twists in Family Guy Season 2!!

is meg pregnant in family guy

In the 22nd season of Family Guy, there are some exciting new things for the viewers. The first episode is called ‘Fertilized Megg,’ and it’s about Meg becoming a surrogate mother for Bruce and Jeffrey. 

But after the baby is born, Meg finds it hard to stop being a mom. In the first episode, there’s also a funny part inspired by the movie Dune.

In the rest of the season, there will be more funny and surprising stories. Peter will get a job at Stop n’ Shop, and Lois and Peter will go on a vacation to Florida. Stewie and Brian will team up to face their fear of taking showers.

Family Guy also likes to talk about things happening in the world today, so it’ll be interesting to see how these stories relate to what’s going on in 2023.
