Jennifer Love Hewitt Was "Very Nervous" About Wearing a Bikini on Shape Cover

April 2024 ยท 2 minute read

Fooled Us! Jennifer Love Hewitt told Us Weekly she was "very nervous" to pose in a bikini on the cover of Shape magazine's March issue, but she sure doesn't look it. 

The 33-year-old Client List actress said she didn't have much time to get her body ready before styling the hot pink halter-top bikini for the sexy photo shoot. "I had literally had 8 to 10 days before the shoot that I had to do it," Hewitt told Us during an interview on Valentine's Day. "And I think when [they] called me to tell me that I was doing the cover of Shape, I might've been eating pizza at the time."

So, Hewitt kicked her workout routine into high gear.

"I've been doing Zumba DVDs, booty workout DVDs, Pilates and walking a lot," she explained. "I wear leg weights at work. That's a big help for me because I don't get a lot of chances to work out, so I try to get it in where I can. When I'm off camera, I always have like 10 lb leg weights on as I'm walking throughout the day. It's amazing how much you can actually do that way."

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Hewitt last starred on the cover of Shape in October 2009, and was flattered to be asked to pose again. "I don't know if I'm in the best shape of my life, but I feel great," she told Us. "I'm happy where I am and it's good."

Though the actress is comfortable with her body and frequently shows a lot of skin on her Lifetime soap, The Client List, Hewitt said she won't be going fully nude on the show.

"I have no idea who started that rumor," she told Us. "On a women's network, I have no idea why I would go nude for the first time. It seems so silly! There will be some steamy stuff, but no nude."
