- Yay!
- De-de-delicious!
- And here are some carrot sticks to go with them.
- Mmm!
I love carrots because they're so... crunchy!
- Ahhh, let me go grab some water for you kids.
- Mmmmm!
Nana's pan-pans are de-de-delicious!
(Daniel giggling) - Pan-pans are grr-grr-grr-ific!
- Nom!
Oh, I don't have any more carrots.
There's another carrot.
- Mine!
(crying) - Uh oh, Teddy's crying!
- Mine!
- Jodi, is that your carrot?
- Well... it was on Teddy's plate.
- You took it from Teddy?
- I wanted more carrots, and he wasn't eating his!
- You need to ask if it's OK before you take something that's not yours, Jodi.
♪ Before you take something away ♪ ♪ Stop and ask if it's OK ♪ - ♪ Before you take something away ♪ ♪ Stop and ask if it's OK ♪ Sorry, Teddy.
I'll ask you now.
Can I have one of your carrots, please?
- Mm-mm!
- He said no!
- Well, that happens sometimes.
- But I still want another carrot!
Hmm... Nana, can I have one of your carrots, please?
- Thank you for asking, Jodi.
Here you go!
- Thanks, Nana.