Josh Dover is an american Journalist born in Indiana, USA. Dover talks about Denver & sports on Altitude 92.5 10-2 M-F at Denver, Pennsylvania.He was raise and brought up at Colorado, USA.
Josh is a hug fan of NBA, and he basically enjoys skateboard and gangster rap. His birthday falls on 25th of January. He has fit body shape with fair skin color and avarage hight.
Name | Josh Dover |
Birthday | 25th January |
Gender | Male |
Nationality | USA |
Profession | Journalism |
Married/Single | Single |
Instagram | Denver, Pennsylvania |
Twitter | @JoshuaDover |
Facebook | Josh Dover |
10 Facts On Josh Dover
Wikipedia has no record of Josh Dover as up to now. Josh Dover might be included in Wikipedia in further comming days as his popularity increases.Josh Dover is a young bachlor with no wife. Their is no record of his dating life either on any internet site.Their is no record of Josh Dover’s age on internet. He seems to be somewhere between 30-40.Net Worth of Josh Dover has not been disclosed anywhere. But looking at his pictures on social media, he seems quite high maintaining.Their is no record of his family either. But he must have good loving and caring family including his parents and sibilings.His bio on instagram is “Likes: Basketball, skateboarding, gangster rap & chocolate milk. Dislikes: Everything else.
I talk about Denver & sports on Altitude 92.5 10-2 M-F.”Twitter account of Josh has over 4000 followers(@JoshuaDover) and his instagram has 734 followers and 177 posts till today(joshuadoverradio).He seems quite active on social media.No information of Josh’s education has been available anywhere. Afterall being an american journalist, Josh must have some kind of journalism degree in his name.Salary of Josh has not been disclosed either. But being a high level journalist, he must make some good sum of money for himself. Josh mostly talks about sports and journalism in his recording studio at Denver, Pennsylvania. His journalism covers sports news most of the time.ncG1vNJzZmivp6x7u7PRZ6WerF%2Bau3DDyKSgaKKfqLVusM6vnKtlnZqytXnToZxmqJ%2BZsKK%2F02afqKukYryvecOopJqhnpSDcA%3D%3D