Fans of Katharine McPhee may remember her as the American Idol contestant with incredible hair. Back then it was a voluminous, long brown ‘do that didn’t scrimp on the shine, or the loose waves. These days, McPhee is rocking a drastically different hairstyle: a warm sandy blonde short look chopped bluntly at the chin. And of course, as any fashionista does, she decided to kick things up a notch with her new look by adding bangs.
Luckily for Us, we got the scoop from McPhee herself at the Broadway Audience Choice Awards Winners’ Cocktail Reception (McPhee is currently starring in Waitress on Broadway). The reason for the tweak to the look that she has been moving towards for the past few months — she had been taking her brown lob gradually lighter since the end of 2017 — was super logical. “I just think I’m not on my TV show anymore. I actually want it to be darker, I just haven’t had time to color it. You know when you’re wearing a wig eight times a week you can kind of do whatever you want. It’s kind of a fun look for summer and I felt like being a little Parisian girl for the next few weeks,” she tells Us.
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Consider Us warned: Mcphee might very well ditch the blonde for her signature chestnut strands any day now. That said, her daring move is the perfect example of trying a look for the sake of changing things up and having fun!
But that’s not all — McPhee shared the tip to easing into a shorter cut. “I had already sort of cut it for the Met Ball a few weeks ago so I slowly but surely went shorter but I don’t think I’ll go shorter than this. My hair is so happy! I have a lot of hair so it makes it feel really thick and healthy,” she says.