The country was on fire when the ruthless homicide of Katie Autry hit the news in May of 2003.
The 18-year-old was beaten and assaulted in the wellbeing of her residence. Her homicides were not understudies of a similar University.
Her homicide started a rush of interest in a lady’s security.
Katie Autry was assaulted, thumped, and killed by Stephen Soules, then, at that point, 20, and Lucas Goodrum, then, at that point, 21.
After an examination, the police division found that Lucas beat Katie, assaulted her, and attempted to cover her with a pad.
Since Stephan was white and from an affluent family, he didn’t concede during the underlying preliminary. Afterward, he entered a supplication deal, tolerating seven of the nine charges.
The court controlled six simultaneous life detainment and 20 years of prison without the chance for further appeal for Soules. He is right now serving his time at the Green River Correctional Complex.
Then again, Goodrum got vindicated of the homicide because of an absence of proof.
Undergrad Katie Autry was killed and assaulted the evening of 2003.
As indicated by columnist Abbey Brown Doyle, Autry, a 18-year-old green bean, was at a society party. She and her companions chose to return to their residence early hours of the morning.
At the point when she contacted her apartment, she was assaulted and set ablaze by Stephan Soules and Lusuc Goodrum.
Firemen surged a vigorously harmed Autry to Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee. Tragically, following three days of escalated clinical consideration, she was no more.
The police office dispatched an examination and got the offenders.
Katie Autry was a peculiar, carefree 18-year-old young lady. Tragically, she never had a Wikipedia page. She studied in Hancock County High school and was essential for the 2002 alumni class.
Her folks portrayed her to be ready for business and a previous team promoter. The delightful young person attempted her hand In displaying and had a respectable profession.
Her Aunt Virginia White depicted her to be the most interesting individual in the room.
Ep62: The Rape & Murder of Katie Autry is available everywhere now #bowlinggreenky #kentucky #wku #westernkentuckyuniversity #rapeculture #rape #arson #murder #dorm #southernfriedtruecrime pic.twitter.com/H2vomSXj0z
— Erica Kelley (@southfriedtruth) August 2, 2019
Besides, her homicide dispatched a conversation about ladies’ wellbeing in their quarters, an extraordinariness in the mid 2000s.
Katie Autry is the little girl of American guardians. Very little data is referred to about them as the family wished to keep their protection.
After Katie’s demise, her accomplices recorded a claim against Western Kentucky University. The couple asserted that legitimate security might have saved their little girl’s life.
Four years after the claim, the Kentucky Supreme court administered the decision in support of WKU. As indicated by an update sent by the previous president, the college was ensured under sovereign insusceptibility.