Kelly Clarkston is a true rag to riches success story. She took the entertainment industry by storm when she waltzed onto the American Idol stage and floored the judges and the American public with her vocal talents. She went on to win the competition, land a record deal, and since then she has been churning out hit singles left and right. Since winning American Idol, the songstress has been busy!
Kelly not only soared in her career, but she also seemed to score a fairytale personal life. Clarkston and Brandon Blackstock had a love story written in the stars. There was no way that their paths would not meet up, considering Brandon's father was Kelly's manager at one time. They first met in 2006 while Blackstock was wed to his first wife. For years Clarkston dated around but could never manage to feel those sparks that she experienced with Blackstock. Fast forward to 2012, a single Clarkston and recently divorced Blackstock made a go of their feelings and teamed up professionally and personally. They married and welcomed two children into their lives before deciding to call it quits. The two are now going their separate ways, and here is what we know so far about their impending divorce and what perhaps caused it.
10 The Seven Year Itch
Many fans of the famous duo were floored to have learned that the couple would be parting ways, especially since the time leading up to the divorce announcement was spent cozying up with their kids in the quaint Montana mountains.
While plenty of speculation has occurring surrounding the breakup, many wonder if Clarkston and Blackstone were simply a product of the seven-year itch. The two were wed for seven years before deciding it best to call it quits.
9 The Couple Filed Back In June
One minute we were looking at pics of Clarkston and her family hunkering down in Montana, and the next, we were reading about her sudden, impending divorce from the father of her two young children.
It became evident that this marriage was getting put to bed for good in June of 2020. That's when Clarkston officially filed for divorce from her husband, citing irreconcilable differences.
8 Did Quarantine Push Them Over The Edge?
The real reason behind this couple's split is likely only known to them, and their inner circle, still much speculation exists regarding the two and their break up. While plenty are convinced the split came out of left-field, others think there is far more to why they didn't work out. One possible theory for the break up is that quarantine pushed them over the edge. Could it be that after years of being ships in the night, both busy with careers and kids, the ample family time proved to be too much?
They wouldn't be the first couple to call it quits in quarantine; many pairs have called it quits in 2020. Only time will tell what Clarkston and Blackstock's post-divorce relationship will look like. Maybe they will remain oddly close, like these famous couples who parted ways. They might also end up one of those couples who call it quits but still work together, as Blackstone is Kelly's manager.
7 Too Much Focus On Careers And Not Enough On Marriage
It is no secret that Kelly Clarkston has a whole lot of irons in the fire at any given time. Not only has she been busy churning out hits year after year, but she is also now wholly infused in her work as a talk show host.
There are murmurings that both Blackstock and Clarkston placed much emphasis on growing careers as well as attention on their four children, but not necessarily much attention on one another and their marriage. Might this be a contributing factor to the divorce between Clarkston and Blackstock?
6 Their Personalities Clashed
While some are convinced that it was months of quarantine that ultimately caused Clarkston to file for divorce from his husband of seven years, others say they saw a split coming because Clarkston and Blackstock were just too different.
Blackstock tends to lay low and, generally speaking, enjoys a quieter pace to life while Clarkston could not be busier and more involved in the Hollywood scene. He took to Nashville living while she preferred their lifestyle in California.
5 Clarkston Has Requested Joint Custody
While we don't know what will become of Clarkston and Blackstock now that they are following their own paths (will they stay close, continue to work together, who knows), they have one common mission that we don't see them wavering on. Both Kelly and Brandon are devoted and loving parents, Blackstock has two children from his first marriage, and together he and Kelly have two little ones as well.)
Both parties seem to have their children's best interests a heart and have checked the joint custody box on their divorce papers. At least it looks like the children will continue to see plenty of their parents following their split.
4 They Desire Privacy For Their Children Above All
Kelly has been open and outspoken regarding her divorce, often reflecting on how challenging it is to go through a split like hers. While she has no qualms about letting the world know her attitude about the current state of her marriage, one thing she and Blackstone won't discuss and seem to be prioritizing is their kids.
They have commented on how important it is to respect and guard their children's privacy, especially during this challenging time in their family.
3 Both Clarkston And Blackstock Come From Broken Homes
Sometimes, sadly, history repeats itself. Both, Blackstone and Clarkston, tried as they may, have fallen in the same pattern as their own parents. Both the manager and the entertainer were raised in homes with divorced parents.
Blackstock has now been divorced twice, once from his first wife and the mother of his eldest daughters, and now it looks as if he will be divorced from Kelly, the mother to his young daughter River and son Remmington.
2 Clarkston Is Relying On Friends To Get Her Through
Divorce is painful, and once a person can no longer lean on their spouse for moral support, they often turn to their family and friends to help lift them up. Clarkston is doing precisely that.
Clarkston boldly described her present life as "a bit of a dumpster" and revealed that for support, she has been speaking to friends that have been through divorces themselves. At least she has people that she can turn to for help as she navigates this tedious and unpleasant chapter in life.
1 There Is A Prenup In Place
Entertainer and talk show host Kelly Clarkston probably never could have imagined that she would be living the life that she currently is. The talented singer who once lived in her car is now worth a whopping forty-five million dollars!
That is no chump change, and while her soon-to-be ex-husband has a lucrative career of his own, it pales in comparison to Kelly's. To safeguard her earnings in the event of a split, she and Blackstock signed a prenuptial agreement. It looks like Kelly won't have to payout like fellow stars Jessica Simpson and Katy Perry did when they divorced their spouses.