After Super Bowl Victory Patrick Mahomes Did Not Test Positive for Drugs

June 2024 · 1 minute read

After the Kansas City Chiefs defeated the Philadelphia Eagles 38-35 in Super Bowl LVII on February 12, 2023, rumors began circulating online that quarterback Patrick Mahomes had tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs).

This, however, was only hearsay. The @S CharlesNFL Twitter account is where it first appeared. Nowhere in the user’s bio does it state that the account distributes fictional content; the profile picture is a stock image, and the content is best described as satire.

An example of the tweet that went viral reads, “An NFL investigation into Patrick Mahomes’ suspected performance-enhancing drug use during halftime has delayed the Chiefs’ claim to Super Bowl credibility. After the game, he was given a drug test, and according to our sources, the results came back positive, meaning the Chiefs might lose the victory.”

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No reputable news outlets had any such report. If this unfounded report began on Twitter, it quickly made its way to Facebook and, most likely, the rest of the social media universe.

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