Mark Millar offers status update on Kick-Ass 3

August 2024 · 2 minute read

It’s been over a decade since Matthew Vaughn’s Kick-Ass, and eight years since Jeff Wadlow’s sequel, so the chances of a canonical third installment featuring the return of the original cast is virtually non-existent at this stage.

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After all, Chloë Grace Moretz is now 24 years old, and given that she’s never shown even the slightest shred of interest in returning as Hit-Girl for a third go-round, it’d be safe to assume if the franchise was to continue, it would either be a reboot or a brand-new story focusing on comic book character Patience Lee.

Mark Millar upped sticks and moved to Netflix when he sold off the Millarworld brand, but the rights to Kick-Ass belong to Universal, and Vaughn is otherwise occupied, so it’s not a shock to hear the comic book creator reveal to ScreenRant that the chances of a third film in the series are very slim.

“I talk to Matthew Vaughn three times a week, Matthew is one of my best friends, and we’ve no plans because I’m over at Netflix and he has deals over with Apple and Kick-Ass is Universal. So there’s definitely no plans, maybe at some point in the future, we do have one last story to tell, which is the big finale storyline. I kind of like the idea of that as well, because practically we can come back a little later to all the characters in different places, so there’s a potential story there at some point. But I pray that nobody reads this and mistakes that for us saying Kick-Ass 3 is in the works, because there’s 100 percent no plans to do it at the moment.”

Kick-Ass was great for what it was, delivering a smart and subversive spin on the superhero formula, but the sequel was a massive downgrade on its predecessor. It’s hard to imagine there are even many people clamoring for a threequel after the second entry made just $80 million at the box office, so the property is arguably better off left alone.
