Mick Foley & Terry Funk Spotted Together In New Photo

October 2024 · 2 minute read

Terry Funk and Mick Foley’s friendship built a rivalry that lasted from Japan to WWE. Both legends carved out a niche in hardcore wrestling with the use of weapons and compelling storytelling with unprecedented violence. Foley’s respect and admiration for Funk allowed both men to brew storylines that wrestling fans cherish up until this day.

On Tuesday, Mick Foley visited Terry Funk in Amarillo, Texas. The official Twitter handle of Foley’s podcast, “Foley Is Pod” shared a picture of the two legends together complete with a caption to illustrate the photo.

“FOREVER THE FUNKER! Mick told his idol @TheDirtyFunker that whenever he’s within 400 miles of Amarillo he’d visit him. Mick had a great time visiting with Terry and his daughter Stacey along with Dick Murdoch’s son and daughter.”

In June 2021, Terry Funk was diagnosed as living with dementia and is living in an assisted living facility. On December 29, 2021, Ric Flair announced on his podcast that Funk had returned home and was doing alright.

Terry Funk’s incredible career spanned more than 50 years and included multiple short-lived retirements. He pioneered the influential hardcore wrestling style in the latter part of his career. 

Over the course of his career, Terry Funk has wrestled for numerous major promotions and been inducted into multiple halls of fame. Funk also served as a mentor to many iconic wrestlers, including Tommy Dreamer and Foley.

At ECW One Night 2006, Mick Foley united with Edge and Lita to defeat Funk, Tommy Dreamer, and Beulah. The match allowed Funk and Foley to pay off their feud perfectly.

What’s your take on this story? Sound off in the comments below!

January 18, 2023 12:54 pm

Saptarshi Sinha

Saptarshi Sinha is a pro-wrestling enthusiast and journalist. He has been covering the industry for over five years, providing in-depth analysis and coverage of the latest events and storylines. In addition to his passion for wrestling, Saptarshi also enjoys perfumery, photography, optometry, and gaming in his free time. He is dedicated to bringing his readers the most accurate and engaging content in the world of professional wrestling.
