Mike, Maryse Mizanin Changed Their Minds About Having Herd of Kids

October 2024 · 3 minute read

Mixed feelings! Mike “The Miz” Mizanin and Maryse Mizanin thought they wanted “a whole herd of kids” — but aren’t so sure after welcoming baby No. 2 in September 2019.

“We were like, ‘We’re gonna have so many,’” the actor, 39, recently told Us Weekly exclusively on the “Watch With Us” podcast while promoting USA Network’s Miz & Mrs. “Now we’re realizing having two is a whole new level of parenthood, realizing you only have a certain amount of time with one and then the other one needs another amount of time. If you go with so many kids, how much time do you really have to show the love and support that you feel they need to be successful in whatever they want to do? So it’s one of those things where we’re like, ‘We’ll see in time.’”

The Canadian wrestler, also 37, chimed in, saying, “I feel like I’ve been pregnant for two years.”

Maryse gave birth to Madison, now 22 months, in March 2018, followed by Monroe, now 4 months, the following year. With “two under two” at home, the couple are “in the trenches,” Mike told Us.

The pair’s little ones are “very different,” his wife went on to tell Us, explaining, “Madison likes to be held at all times, and you cannot sit when you hold her. You have to stand and walk. [She] is the boss.”

While Monroe is “easy,” her older sister makes Mike “so tired.” The Ohio native joked with Us, “I’m a WWE superstar. I’ve won championships upon championships. I won more championships in the last decade than any other superstar. And the person that gets me the most is Madison, my 4-month-old baby. Very powerful. She’s gonna be president. She can do whatever she wants! First woman president. There you go.”

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As exhausted as he and Maryse are, the couple, who wed in 2014 in the Bahamas, love life with their little ones. “I’m at her service no matter what,” the Real World alum gushed to Us in April 2018. “I’ve never had anyone have so much control over me.”

He added at the time: “I’m a night owl so I usually stay up at night with her and my wife sleeps. Then whenever I sleep, my wife takes over. Literally, we’re just tagging in and out. I wanted to be the dad that was able to feed my daughter, hold my daughter, really be there for my daughter. I want to be the dad that’s here. I want to see her. Every day, her face changes, her body changes, everything about her is just changing every single day. It’s crazy.”

With reporting by Emily Longeretta
