Musicians Who Are Poorer Than You Thought

June 2024 ยท 2 minute read

For a top-selling pop star as big as Kesha, a $5 million net worth seems like pennies. Unfortunately, the star's ongoing lawsuit against producer and alleged abuser Dr. Luke drained the star of her financial resources. According to TMZ, the singer was so broke that Taylor Swift gave her $250,000 to help cover legal costs.

Kesha's lawsuit against Dr. Luke has been a long road that halted the singer's career. In 2014, she took the producer to court for "sexually, physically, verbally and emotionally abusing [her] to the point where [she] nearly lost her life." Dr. Luke countersued, and she was at an inpasse: make music with her alleged abuser while the trial continues, or don't make music at all. He even attempted to ban her from performing at the 2016 Billboard Music Awards. Without new music and live performances, she had no steady source of income.

Though the singer's lawsuits are on-going, Kesha recently had her much-deserved comeback. She pooled her remaining funds to make her third full-length album, Rainbow, which Sony claimed was entirely funded by the pop star herself. Rainbow debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 and sold a whopping 90,000 albums in the U.S. during the first week. Though Dr. Luke is probably still entitled to collect a healthy portion of its earnings, he has to do so while "Praying" soars on the charts and becomes an inspirational anthem for a new generation.
