My Favorite Nail Polish For April 2012

May 2024 ยท 1 minute read

Need an idea for your weekend mani? Check out my April 2012 pick for nail polish of the month--this is a bright and yummy one!

It's Essie Lollipop, a supercute candy red.

It reminds me of Essie Geranium, a fave shade of many a Glamour staffer I know, but it skews a bit less orange. It makes me envision poppies and sunshine and I feel like my fingertips are throwing a little party, saying "yay, spring is finally officially here!"

I actually got my first spring mani-pedi yesterday and chose a subtly different color for my toes--Essie Too Too Hot, a sexy orangey red shade from the brand's Braziliant collection. (I don't usually do non-matching mani-pedis--not sure why--but am loving these two colors together.)

Just for Friday fun: What colors are you wearing on your fingers and toes right now? Share the names in the comments below! And what do you feel about Essie Lollipop? Would you wear this color?
