I love Hi Chew. And I live for new Hi Chew flavors. Okay, maybe that’s an exaggeration (I mostly live so my cat stays fed), but it’s always exciting to have a new sweet treat to sneak into the movie theater. (Please don’t revoke my A-List membership, AMC!) Three new Hi Chew flavors were just released in an assortment called the Dessert Mix: Candy Apple, Strawberry Ice Cream, and Key Lime Pie. I tasted them all to find out whether you should wave hi or say bye to the new mix.

Hi Chew!
Hi Chew Dessert MixHi ChewFirst thing’s first, all three flavors are good and they all have that signature chew that’s so damn addictive, but two of these new Hi Chew flavors are especially good. Let’s start with the third best, Strawberry Ice Cream. The strawberry flavor is bold and definitely attempts something like creaminess, but it just doesn’t really taste like strawberry ice cream. It sort of reminds me of amoxicillin, which is nostalgic in its own way but probably not what a candy brand is shooting for.
The other two flavors are knockouts. Key Lime Pie doesn’t just taste like lime candy, it tastes like key lime pie filling. It’s not too tangy and has a creamy backbone that communicates custard pie. And Candy Apple is a real journey. You get sweet red apple up front with a hint of something cloying, much like the crunchy sugar coating on a candy apple, but the flavor continues to evolve as you chew until it almost tastes like cherry pie filling. Honestly, I would eat way more candy apples if they tasted like this (and Hi Chew are actually less likely to get all jammed up in your teeth).
The new Hi Chew Dessert Mix appears to be sold out on Hi Chew’s site, but if you see it at your local grocery or big box store, you should add it to your candy (and dessert) rotation.
Credit: Liv Averett / Hi Chew