You know the saying ‘no news is good news’ – well that obviously doesn’t apply to Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice.
If you’re anything like me, you probably spend most of your free time trawling your Twitter feed or checking Google every few minutes for any sign of life from the much anticipated Zack Snyder picture currently in production. And suffice it to say, we have some new images for you to feast your eager eyes on.
The stills (via Bananadoc), which can be seen above and below, appear to show some sort of half-finished statue which we’re guessing is for Superman’s efforts in saving (or demolishing) Metropolis in the film prior, Man of Steel.
Now, they’re certainly not as hard-hitting or about to cause as much of a fuss as the recently released first glimpse of Ben Affleck as the Caped Crusader, but these images will no doubt help get us impatient fan-boys over until the next slice of news. As of yet, we can tell next to nothing about Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice or what the plot will entail, however, the website Batman News is also reporting that there will be a LexCorp scene shot June 12th and 13th, so we will hopefully be able to provide more pictures if and when they surface.
In the meantime, our thanks to the plucky Michigan native who managed to snag these few photos that once again set our tongues wagging in frenzied anticipation. Needless to say, 2016 cannot come quick enough.

What do you think of the latest images? Do they give you any inkling as to what events will unfold on our screens? Let us know in the comments section below!