Nick Saban has built a legacy for himself with the Alabama Crimson Tide. For 17 years now, he has been leading Alabama to glory in the college football world, and creating top-class players who go on to impress professionally in the NFL.
Since joining the Alabama Crimson Tide in 2007, he has led the program to six national titles, the most recent being in 2020. With such an incredible record in the college football world, Nick Saban must also boast a great home record in Alabama.
And Saban certainly doesn't disappoint. He boasts an impressive 93 percent winning record at the Bryant-Denny Stadium. This means that in the past 17 years, Nick Saban has won more than half of the home games of Alabama. So how many times did he lose at his home ground?

70% Win
70% Win
70% Win
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Saban and his team went against his former assistant Steve Sarkisian, who has been the coach at Texas since 2021. The game was also a highly anticipated rematch of last season's game when Alabama narrowly clinched the victory with a 20-19 scoreline. However, this time, it was the Longhorns who came out as the better team at Alabama's home ground.
Texas went on to defeat Alabama 34-24. While the season is still in its early days, losing such a crucial game will affect Nick Saban and his team's motivation to make it to the playoffs this year. They failed to qualify in 2022 because of two losses, so Saban would like to avoid repeating the same mistakes that cost them a shot at the national championship last year.
The Week 2 loss against Texas was the worst home game loss for Nick Saban
Throughout his 17 years with the Crimson Tide, Nick Saban has never lost a home game by double digits. Prior to the game against Texas in Week 2, Alabama had an impressive 21-game win streak at the Bryant Denny Stadium.
But Steve Sarkisian and his team looked like they learned from their mistakes last time they went against Alabama and came out on top to defeat them by 10 points in their home. This was the first time that Nick Saban lost a home game by double digits.
Not only this but the last time Alabama lost by a 10-point deficit was back in 2004 under then-head coach Mike Shula. They were dismantled 20-3 by South Carolina back then.
Next, Alabama faces the South Florida Bulls in week 3. And coach Saban will look to be back to his winning ways with his team.
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