Andre Iguodala II was named after his father, the NBA veteran who's currently a free agent. He's seen his father's success in the league and is likely to take on a similar path to becoming a successful NBA player.
On Gilbert Arenas' show recently, the NBA shared his thoughts on retiring.
"I've been busy," Iguodala said. "But when I get an opportunity to actually think about it, I'll have a decsion."•

70% Win
70% Win
70% Win
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"My son, he's taller than me right now. So, I gotta remind him that I still got it."Iggy's son was born on March 24, 2007, and grew up watching his dad's career in the NBA take off. During the times when the Golden State Warriors were winning titles with the NBA star, Iggy Jr. was there to soak everything in. But he's also determined to make it to the league one day and has been working hard with his on-court skills.
Last year, Andre Jr. went viral after his dad posted a photo of them together. The NBA veteran is listed at 6-foot-6 but based on the photos, he looks a lot shorter than his son. His height hasn't been revealed, but there's a chance that he's closer to 6-10.
It looks like Iggy Jr. is destined to become a basketball player.
You might also be interested in reading this: "It's like a slap in the face" - Andre Iguodala was stunned to see Klay Thompson texting him to hang out
Evan Turner thinks Andre Iguodala's son is better than Bronny James
Many sons of current and former NBA stars have taken the opportunity to learn from their fathers to work on their game. Recently, there's been a good number of kids who have fathers in the NBA or have played in the NBA who are taking over the basketball scene.
One of them is Andre Iguodala's son, who is pursuing an NBA career. Iggy's former teammate, Evan Turner, talked about Iggy's son being better than Bronny James, the son of LeBron James. Turner talked about it in 2015, and now the two young athletes have developed more skills.
"I was talking to Iman Shumpert, because we went to middle school together,” Turner said. “And then LeBron came over to me because I’m Buckeye or whatever, and I told him I know a little guy who can beat his young guy. He asked me who, and I said, ‘Andre Iguodala Jr.’"Turner sees potential in Iggy's son:
"He’s going to be pretty good. He can actually shoot. He can’t dribble to save his life."He's still young and has a chance to become a better basketball player overall.
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