Nick Dunlap is an amateur golfer from Northport, Alabama. He recently won the US Amateur Championship and became only the second male golfer to win US Junior and US Amateur, matching the record of legendary golfer Tiger Woods.
Dunlap ranks ninth in the World Amateur Golf Rankings and has won three events so far. He has 12 top-10 finishes and has played 28 tournaments.
The American amateur golfer defeated Neal Shipley in the final of the 2023 US Amateur to win the trophy on Sunday, August 20. He has also qualified to represent his country at the next month's Walker Cup.
Nick Dunlap played the third round of the US Amateur against Bowen Mauss and defeated him with a score of 5&3 to advance to the quarterfinal round of the tournament, where he played against Jackson Koivun. He defeated Parker Bell in the semifinals and then Shipley in the final.
Speaking about his performance and matching Tiger Woods's record, Dunlap said via ESPN:
"I think it's only a third of what he's done. Just to be in the same conversation with Tiger is a dream come true and something I've worked for my whole life." “I just learned that I could do it. I always thought I could, but when you’re 5 over thru seven, your mind is spinning, you can’t see straight and all you see is red. I just learned that anything is possible as long as you put your mind to it," he added.
Dunlap previously won the US Junior Championship in 2021 and had qualified for the US Open, twice. But he missed the cut.
Nick Dunlap's amateur tournaments results
Dunlap last played at the 2023 Western Amateur Championship and finished in fifth place. He had won the North and South Amateur Championship and the Northeast Amateur Championship earlier this year.
He started the new year playing at The Hayt and finished in 28th position. He then competed at the Cabo Collegiate Invitational and settled in 15th place before heading to compete at the Linger Longer Invitational.
Nick Dunlap also played at the NCAA D1 Championship and secured the 11th position.
Here are the results of all the events, Nick Dunlap has played so far:
2023 The Western Amateur Championship
2023 Southern Amateur Championship
2023 Trans-Mississippi Amateur Championship
2023 North and South Amateur Championship
2023 Northeast Amateur Invitational
2023 U.S. Open
2023 NCAA D1 Championship - Stroke
2023 NCAA Norman Regional
2023 SEC Championship
2023 Mossy Oak Collegiate
2023 Linger Longer Invitational
2023 Cabo Collegiate Invitational
2023 Watersound Invitational
2023 The Hayt
2022 East West Matches
2022 Golf Club of Georgia Colleg.
2022 SEC Match Play (Stoke Play)
2022 OFCC Fighting Illini Invite
2022 Rod Myers Invitational
2022 U.S. Amateur Championship
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