Why do NFL helmets have 'Choose Love' written on them?

June 2024 · 2 minute read

NFL teams are showing their social responsibility more than ever.

One initiative lets players wear custom messages on their helmets during play.

Fans watching on TV will see messages like 'Choose Love' written on headgear.

Many fans took note of the decal on player's helmets during a Buffalo Bills game on October 15, 2023.

Here's what you need to know about the initiative.

Why do some NFL players have 'Choose Love' written on their helmets?

'Choose Love' can be worn by players to highlight social justice issues across America.

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The NFL launched the initiative in 2019 as part of an attempt to inspire change.

Players can choose from one of seven decals to put on their helmets to highlight national and international conflicts.

What are other messages players can choose?

There are seven messages in total that can be worn by players.

End Racism, Stop Hate, It Takes All of US, Black Lives Matter, Inspire Change and Say Their Stories were the first six messages approved.

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The NFL added 'Choose Love' last season due to an increase in gun violence and hate crime across America.

What have NFL reps said about the initiatives?

The NFL will stencil 'It Takes All of Us' and 'Inspire Change' into the end zones for the fourth year.

NFL senior vice president of social responsibility Anna Isaacson told AP last year: "As we kick off another NFL season, the league’s commitment to social justice remains as present on field and in stadium across all 32 clubs as it is in communities nationwide."

"Initiatives like NFL Votes, dedicated grant-making to both national and local non-profits, the social justice helmet decal program, expanded programming and content on NFL owned and operated channels to highlight social justice efforts across the NFL family and, of course, dedicated Inspire Change weeks will also continue.”
