Mass Effect 2 - NVIDIAs GeForce GTX 460: The $200 King

August 2024 · 1 minute read

Mass Effect 2

Electronic Arts’ space-faring RPG is our Unreal Engine 3 game. While it doesn’t have a built in benchmark, it does let us force anti-aliasing through driver control panels, giving us a better idea of UE3’s performance at higher quality settings. Since we can’t use a recording/benchmark in ME2, we use FRAPS to record a short run.

Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect 2 ends up being another game with a lot of stratification. Working our way from the top the 1GB GTX 460 has a clear advantage over the 768MB GTX 460 even with an overclock, giving it a 15% lead at stock clock speeds. Meanwhile the 768MB GTX 460 has a 16% lead over its equally priced competitor, the 5830. In spite of the 5830 taking a sizable loss here though, the 5850 keeps a  7% lead over the closest GTX 460, while the GTX 465 is at parity with the 768MB GTX 460.

Curiously, we’re still seeing something we saw with the GTX 465 at its launch: the stellar performance of the GTX 285. Even with the 1GB GTX 460’s better performance over the GTX 465, it still loses to the GTX 285.
