October 11th was the International Day of the Girl, as recognized by the United Nations. It was also the birthday of Olivia Wilde’s second child, a little girl! Olivia and her partner Jason Sudeikis welcomed their first child, Otis, was born in April 2014, which makes him two-and-half right now (time flies, right?). And on October 11th, 2016, Olivia welcomed Daisy Josephine Sudeikis.
The question? Do “Daisy” and “Otis” fit together as sibling-names? I feel like Olivia and Jason have a little bit of the Sarah Palin-flair, in that they don’t mind giving dog-appropriate names to human children. I always thought Palin named her kids like puppies, I’m just saying! That being said, I don’t mind this name in particular. Daisy feels pretty popular but it’s not hypersaturated like Madison or Isabella. And the “Josephine” gives it some balance, some seriousness and weight. She’ll probably just go by Daisy, but there’s always a chance she could end up a Jo Sudeikis or Joey or JoJo Sudeikis. You never know. I also think that Olivia probably feels like it’s difficult to get a name that feels right with “Sudeikis.” It’s a difficult last name.
Olivia was still riding the subway deep into her third trimester, even though people wouldn’t give up their seats for, as she said, “a giant preggo.” She’s also been taking a lot about how she’s voting for Hillary Clinton and reproductive rights.
Photos courtesy of Instagram, WENN.
