Oregon residents complain about transgender people in women's facilities

April 2024 · 2 minute read

A city council in Oregon discussed an agenda item called "Communication from Various Parties Regarding the Use of Public Restrooms based on Gender Identity.”

It was on the docket on Monday's Newport City Council meeting.

I personally witnessed a person who appeared to be a man, openly dressing in the women's locker room. It was later communicated by the rec center that this was a biological female that was in the process of transitioning,” said Linda Dinerstein, a Newport resident.

The alleged event happened at the Newport Recreation and Aquatic Center and sparked outrage by community members.

We do not want our children to see persons of the opposite sex or persons transitioning to the opposite sex undressed or nude,” said Dinerstein.

A transgender woman in tears explained how painful it is for her to hear her community members speak about transgender people.

People here tonight that are sitting in this room have called me a sexual deviant and a predator,” said Mary Grace Frederick, a transgender woman and member of the community.

Before the meeting, KATU spoke to Lincoln County Commissioner Claire Hall, who worries about how this could harm transgender children.

“It saddens me that a few people in the community have been able to stir up a frenzy, and I really feel it’s an attempt to target the bodies and identities of transgender women,” said Hall.

Newport Mayor Jan Kaplan ended the meeting by saying society needs more education on the issue, not separate bathrooms.

“There’s assumptions that people make. If I see you as a predator, and I see you through that lens, because you’re different than me, then I will interpret whatever you do as predatory,” said Kaplan.
