Paris Hilton says she 'created a monster' as she opens up about abuse as a teen and horror at sex ta

September 2024 · 8 minute read

THE world knows her as a ditzy, party-loving heiress.

But behind Paris Hilton’s glamorous life lies a dark past — including claims she was abused as a teenager — according to a new documentary.

The 105-minute YouTube film also explores the horror she felt at the leak of her infamous 2003 sex tape.

It also describes how she feels trapped by the public image she has sculpted, as she claims: “I feel like I helped create a monster.”

In the documentary, This Is Paris, the 39-year-old socialite alleges she was physically and emotionally abused — including enduring beatings and solitary confinement — after being sent to boarding school.

She also describes how she has been abused by five old boyfriends.

She tells the camera: “I feel like the whole world thinks they know me because I’ve been playing this character for so long.

“No one really knows who I am. Something happened in my childhood that I’ve never talked about with anyone. I still have nightmares about it.

“I wish I could bring a camera into my dreams and show you what it’s like. It’s terrifying and I relive that every night.

“I experienced it and to this day I’m still traumatized.

“I’m so used to playing a character that it’s hard for me to be normal. When the camera’s around I always turn into someone else.”

Paris’s big break came in 2003 reality show The Simple Life, when she and socialite Nicole Richie, 38, were filmed attempting and failing to live and work on a farm.

Born the eldest of four children to parents, Kathy, 61, and Rick, 65, the chairman of the Hilton hotel chain, Paris seemed destined for fame.

Her parents nicknamed her Star, told her she was going to be the next Marilyn Monroe and sent her for etiquette lessons in New York.

She reveals: “My mum wanted me to be a Hilton...and I just wanted to be Paris.”

In footage from her heyday, a fan is seen taking a picture with her and ignoring her then little-known pal . . . Kim Kardashian.

Kim, 39, now married to rapper Kanye West, 43, tells the documentary: “I wouldn’t be here today if it hadn’t been for, number one, her starting off in the reality world and her introducing me to the world.”

The interviews come between shots of Paris — now a businesswoman with 19 different sidelines and worth £228million — touring the globe to DJ and promote her products.

It is here we see vintage Paris, boasting she travels 250 days a year and that her fragrances have raked in more than $3billion.

She is also seen accidentally dropping more than $3,000 out of her handbag during a trip to Seoul, South Korea

Later, her social media strategist, Brit Sheeraz Hasan, 46, barks at her: “We get you in bed now, you sleep. Hair and glam, ready 8am.”

But at 2am she is lying awake in her hotel room and says: “I travel all around the world and I’ve seen nothing except hotel room, clubs, stores.

“I don’t even know who I am sometimes. I’m always kind of putting on this facade.

“I just had this plan and created this brand and this persona and this character and I’ve been stuck with her ever since.

“Everyone says I’m the original influencer, but sometimes I feel like I helped create a monster.”

Her sister Nicky, 36, adds: “Her brand is a lot more glamorous than she is. She’s a chick who likes to scrap up at home with her dogs, eat leftovers — she’s very normal.”

When it comes to having a normal life with a family, Paris vows only to slow down once she becomes a billionaire.

She says: “At least I had my eggs frozen. I definitely want to have a girl first and name her London, but I just don’t know when I’m going to have time.

"I will not stop until I make a billion dollars. Then I think I can relax.”

On the prospect of men in her life, she is not that hopeful, saying: “Unless you’re going to have some bitch boy following me around like they always do and I lose all respect for them.

“I’m freaked out by people, especially men.”

Part of that goes back to the release of a sex tape showing Paris in bed with then-boyfriend Rick Salomon, a poker player.

In archive footage, Rick, now 52, is shown appealing for viewers to watch the video, called 1 Night In Paris.

Paris denies claims she leaked the tape herself and says she was pressured into making it.

Choking back tears, she says: “That was a private moment with a teenage girl not in her right head space. But everyone was watching it and laughing, like it’s something funny.

“If that happened today it would not be the same story at all. But they made me the bad person. Like I did something bad.

“It was my first real relationship. Eighteen. I was so in love with him and I wanted to make him happy.

“And I just remember him pulling out the camera. And he was kind of pressuring me into it. It was like being electronically raped.”

Sister Nicky adds: “I think one of her biggest struggles is trust. She’s been betrayed so many times.”

Wary Paris is shown installing hidden cameras around her home when boyfriend Aleks Novakovic, an influencer, visits.

She explains: “I’m doing this because I have a new boyfriend who is going to be here when I’m gone. I want to know what’s happening when I’m not here.”

He passes the test, but does not last long on Paris’s arm.

The pair split after they are filmed having a boozy bust-up at a music festival in Belgium in July 2019, minutes before Paris is due on stage to DJ.

Aleks is shown complaining about her doing interviews, adding: “I won’t stress you out but you left me five times today.”

The pair get into a blazing row, before Paris tells her team: “He needs to chill the f*** out. I’m sick of this s**t.”

Later in the film she reveals that five of her previous boyfriends have physically abused her.

As pictures show her with a bruised arm, she says: “I’ve had worse stuff happen — been strangled and phones thrown at me, computers.

"I’ve been in a lot of relationships where people get so controlling and get so angry that they become physical. And I accepted it because I almost thought it was normal.

"I just wanted love so bad that I was willing to accept being hit or yelled at or screamed or strangled.”

All these things, Paris claims, can be traced back to her childhood.

Her parents struggled to control her wild behaviour as a teen and sent her to various boot camp-style programmes.

Describing how she fled from one “emotional growth” camp, Paris says: “The guys that worked at the camp grabbed us . . . And then they literally just beat the hell out of us in front of everyone.”

But it was being taken from her bed one night and sent to Provo Canyon, a boarding school in Utah, that haunts her most.

She reveals: “I’m scared to go to bed at night. I always have this recurring nightmare.

"I’m in bed and these two people come into my room and say, ‘Do you want this to happen the easy way or the hard way?’. I try and just run.”

During 11 months at Provo, Paris claims she was physically and emotionally tortured and put in solitary confinement.

She says: “You’re sitting on a chair staring at a wall all day long. Getting yelled at or hit.

“I felt like a lot of the people who worked there got off on torturing children and seeing them naked.

“I got into so much trouble. Solitary confinement.

"They’d make people take their clothes off and go in there for 20 hours.

"I felt like I was going crazy.

“I was just freezing, I was starving. I was alone, I was scared.

"The only thing that saved my sanity was thinking about what I wanted to do and who I wanted to become when I got out of there.

"I was going to do everything in my power to be so successful that my parents could never control me again.”

Other ex-pupils tell similar horror stories, as it emerges that between 2011 and 2014 police responded to 56 calls for assault at the centre and 25 regarding sexual offences.

As Paris opens up to mum Kathy about the abuse for the first time, Kathy breaks down in tears and hugs her daughter.

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She says: “Had I known this, you know that Dad and I would have been there in one second.”

But does confronting her demons mean Paris is now ready to split from her brands and take The Simple Life at last?

“No,” she jokes. “It’ll be an expensive divorce. I’ll just be like this for ever.”

Paris Hilton breaks down in tears and says she's so used to 'playing a character' she doesn't know how to be 'normal'

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