Where is Pillbox Hill located in GTA 5?

September 2024 ยท 1 minute read
(The Maze Bank Tower and Union Depository buildings in Pillbox Hill)

Pillbox Hill is based on the real-life neighborhood of Bunker Hill, Los Angeles. It is depicted as a residential area with many apartment buildings, houses, and other homes. It is located in the center of the city and is known for being a relatively affluent and upscale neighborhood. It is a very large neighborhood and occupies almost the entire western half of Downtown Los Santos.

(The Pillbox Hill Medical Center in Pillbox Hill)

Despite being depicted as a quiet and peaceful neighborhood with low levels of crime compared to other areas of the city, Pillbox Hill is not immune to the chaos and criminal activity that can occur in GTA V. It is home to the main headquarters of several companies, including Maze Bank, Schlongberg Sachs, Union Depository, and Lombank.
