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See tips and information from the CDC here.
That’s it. We are done messing around when it comes to masks. It’s hard enough to find one that’s comfortable, but it’s even harder to find one that’s actually effective when it comes to slowing the spread. And if you want to be able to breathe easily in it? Forget about it. You’re not going to find it…unless you know where to look.
Mask options were pretty slim back in the uncertain days of early spring, but now that we’re heading into fall, so many more masks are on the market — and we know exactly what we’re looking for. We don’t just want something that fits the requirement of wearing a face covering out in public. We want something we can comfortably wear that actually protects us and everyone around us. We want this new N95 mask!

Get a pack of Respokare Niosh N95 Respirator Masks starting at $50 exclusively at N95 Mask Co!
These bacteria-fighting masks come in packs of four all the way up to 5,000, and shoppers are already declaring them the best ever. At the time of this article being written, they have 99 reviews with 94 at five stars and the remaining five at four stars. Impressive, to say the least. Reviewers say they “instantly noticed a huge difference between the Respokare mask and every other type of mask,” and that it’s “much more comfortable than traditional N95 masks.” Plus, they “can breathe easily” in them, “even during extended exertion”!
This mask claims to block 95% of small particles while also claiming to achieve “99.9% inactivation of viral particles” in as little as one minute. Basically, it may completely trap and destroy a virus instead of bouncing it around like a basketball. To understand the inner workings, we need to dig into the layers — there are four! The outside is coated with a hydrophilic plastic layer, made to absorb droplets into the antiviral layer below so that nothing remains on the surface. The antiviral layer is where the heavy-duty work starts!

Get a pack of Respokare Niosh N95 Respirator Masks starting at $50 exclusively at N95 Mask Co!
The antiviral layer is made to result in “complete destruction of the virus” with the use of copper and zinc ions, claiming to take out pathogens and viruses within minutes. And if something somehow slips by? The filter layer beneath is there to trap any super fine particles that made their way through. As for the inner layer, you have a soft, water-resistant material made to keep you comfy!
These masks went through “rigorous validation testing” at Nelson Labs to ensure that they “block a wide range of pathogens, bacteria and fungi.” They’re the future of masks, essentially, and they may even help protect you against other viruses like the flu, or even everyday worries like allergens and pollution. They’re also “a way of letting friends and family know you care about them,” as one reviewer said, so don’t be afraid to stock up. You can always donate some to essential workers and first-line responders too!
Get a pack of Respokare Niosh N95 Respirator Masks starting at $50 exclusively at N95 Mask Co!
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