RHOP season 7 reunion part 3 release date and plot

July 2024 ยท 6 minute read

The Real Housewives of Potomac (RHOP) season 7 is all set to air its final part of the reunion on Sunday, March 5, 2023, at 8 pm ET on Bravo. It will document cast members addressing the issues that transpired during the season. While they will reflect on a few fun memories, many of the dynamics will revolve around drama between the ladies that has led to multiple conflicts, confrontations, and scandals.

The final RHOP reunion episode will also see the househusbands join the ladies to hash out their opinions about the alleged scandals and accusations involving them. Other ladies will address rumors spread by fellow cast members that took up much of the seventh installment and created a lot of drama. Viewers will have to see how it all pans out.

Season 7 of the Bravo series has been extremely popular among the audience who have also voiced their opinions about the same on social media. Cast members include Ashley Darby, Robyn Dixon, Gizelle Bryant, Karen Huger, Candiace Dillard Bassett, Dr. Wendy Osefo, Charrisse Jackson Jordan, Mia Thornton, and Jacqueline Blake.

What to expect from the final part of the RHOP reunion?

Part 3 of the RHOP reunion will have host Andy Cohen discussing the issues that took place during season 7. Cast members will then give their opinions about the same and try to either resolve the problem or come to a common conclusion. They will also engage in multiple arguments over differences in opinion, with some even pulling out receipts to prove their point.

The official synopsis of the episode, titled Reunion Part 3, reads:

"Ashley and Candiace discuss what led to the dissolution of their once burgeoning friendship; the husbands join and Chris confronts Gizelle about the accusations she made against him; Karen faces off against Charrisse and sets the record straight."

A few clips from the RHOP reunion tease a lot of drama between the cast. Former best friends Mia and Jacqueline were seen discussing their problems and fights that took place during the season. The latter slammed Mia for spreading lies about her house "being held in foreclosure."

The duo then shared their own versions of the story. Jacqueline revealed that Mia's husband Gordon allegedly asked her about his wife's whereabouts in Atlanta. She then expressed how Gordon didn't believe his own wife as he thought Mia was with another married man. The latter, however, clarified that she was having brunch with her ex-boyfriend's mother, which upset her husband.

The RHOP cast members then discussed other narratives, including Mia and Jacqueline's bond and the latter's involvement with Gordon. Jacqueline also revealed that she had brought the Porsche herself and alleged that Mia had built a false narrative about Gordon making a down payment for the same.

Meanwhile, Candiace's husband Chris Bassett was also seen addressing the rumors Gizelle spread about him about, making her feel uncomfortable. This narrative ran throughout the season and became a focal point for the issues that later transpired.

Chris expressed that Gizelle herself had made him feel uncomfortable numerous times in the previous season by passing inappropriate comments. The RHOP star then reflected on her actions and apologized for the same.

In the final preview clip of the RHOP reunion episode, Charrisse was seen joining the ladies and discussing rumors about Karen allegedly being involved with another man, a claim that became widespread at the end of season 7.

While Charrisse maintained that she'd never talked badly about Karen before this season, the latter claimed that she never mentioned her co-star in an inappropriate way even after hearing many rumors about her.

Mia was also confronted for spreading false rumors about Karen. Wendy ended the RHOP preview clip with a statement:

"One thing about this group, everybody gets mad when there's a rumor about them, but they're quick to say a rumor about somebody else."

Season 7 of RHOP has been extremely dramatic in every episode. The ladies were involved in several conflicts, arguments, and confrontations. Viewers will have to stay tuned to find out how everything comes to an end and what the Potomac housewives have in store for them.

Don't forget to tune into the final part of the RHOP season 7 reunion this Sunday, March 5, 2023, at 8 pm ET on Bravo.

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