The Last of Us 2 Safe Combinations & Locations

October 2024 · 8 minute read

Last of Us II safe combinations allow you to open safes and loot them. There are 13 safes in total, which means most chapters have either one or none. The Safecracker trophy, which is earned when you unlock every safe, will further motivate you to crack them all. Finding the container itself is just the first step – once you do, you’ll also have to figure out the correct safe code to open it. The combinations are usually hinted at in letters and other documents scattered around the environments, and require you to scan your surroundings for additional clues. This guide will show you all The Last of Us II safe combinations & locations, in case you need help with any of them. We also have a handy video guide, if that’s more to your liking.

The Last of Us 2 Safe Combinations List – Safecracker Trophy

Supermarket Safe (Employee of the Month)Jackson – Patrol07 20 13
Thrift Store Safe (Well Wishes Safe)Capitol Hill55 01 33
Bank VaultSeattle Downtown60 23 06
Gate West 2Seattle Downtown04 51
Courthouse SafeSeattle Downtown86 07 22
Auto Shop (Auto Repair Garage)Hillcrest30 82 65
Apartment SafeSeraphites08 10 83
Weston’s Pharmacy SafeSeraphites38 55 23
Boat SafeFlooded City70 12 64
Big Win SafeOn Foot17 38 07
Jasmine Bakery in ChinatownHostile Territory68 96 89
Beached ferryCoast90 77 01
BedroomShortcut30 23 04
Hotel BlacrayDescent12 18 79

1. Last of Us 2 Supermarket Safe Code – (Employee of the Month) – Patrol – Jackson

The Supermarket safe is the very first one you’ll find in the Patrol Chapter. It’s in the supermarket, and you’ll find it after squeezing through the crack in the wall and going into the room on the right. The combination is hinted at in the letter on the desk next to the safe – to figure it out, you’ll have to compare the info you get from it with the employee of the month board in the hallway you came in from. The last of us 2 first safe combination is 07 20 13.

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2. Thrift Store Safe code – Capitol Hill – Seattle Day 1

The Thrift Store Safe can be found in the back room of the Well wishers store, the one with a big blue marquee, near the end of the valley section – Capitol Hill chapter. To get the combination, you should check out the notice board in the hall – it’ll give you a partial code, and a hint on where to find the rest. If you head into the bathroom and look at the number written on the wall in red marker next to the toilet bowl, you’ll find your numbers. They are 55 01 33 for the second safe in The Last of Us Part 2.

3. Bank Vault safe code – Seattle Downtown

The third safe – bank vault safe is hidden inside the Wellspring Bank in the Downtown area. It’s in the safety deposit box section, behind the counters on the left. The note with the safe code is on the floor near the door – make sure your flashlight is on or you might miss it. The code is 60 23 06.

4. West Gate safe combination – Seattle Downtown

The Downtown west gate 2 safe can be found near the truck at the Gate West 2, on the corner of Madison Street and 5th Avenue. The combination can be found on an artifact you collected earlier, called Checkpoint Gate Codes – it’s 0451. It’s also a reference to another, much older game. If you have any problems finding the safe or code we have a detailed guide for you The Last of Us 2 West Gate Safe Combination & Location

5. Courthouse safe location – Seattle Downtown

The Courthouse safe is located in the evidence room of the Seattle courthouse. It’s the locked room in the hallway leading to the stairs. You’ll need to break the glass window in order to enter it, and you’ll find the safe under the table by the window. The combination that unlocks it is clearly written on the whiteboard on the other side of the room – it’s 86 07 22.

6. Hillcrest safe code – Auto Shop – Seattle Day 2

The Hillcrest safe is hidden in the auto repair parts shop. To reach it, you’ll have to go through the tattoo parlor and head right once you’re in the alley. The safe is by the entrance. The combination is written on an artifact called Dale’s combo, which can be found by going into the pet shop across the main street from the tattoo parlor. Use the hole in the wall on the left to enter the saloon next door, then head for the kitchen. The note will be on the wall by the door – the combination is 30 82 65.

7. Seraphites Apartment safe code – Seattle Day 2

This Seraphites safe is in an apartment after the South 5 road sign. Pass under the skyway, then climb onto the white truck on the left. Enter the apartment through the window, and look for the safe in the closet in the bedroom. The combination is discovered by reading the note on the dinner table and comparing the info the the calendar above the bed – it’s 08 10 83. Check out our Seraphites Apartment Safe Location guide.

8. Weston’s Pharmacy safe location – Seattle Day 2 Seraphites

This Seraphites safe can be found in Weston’s Pharmacy, after you exit the water. Go up the stairs and into the shop, then look for a hole in the wall on the left. It’ll lead into a secret room where the safe is. The combination is written on a piece of paper on the counter, below the cash register – it’s 38 55 23. If you need a detailed screenshot guide take a look at Weston’s Pharmacy Safe Combination & Location – Seraphites guide.

9. Boat Safe – Flooded City safe combination – Seattle Day 3

Boat safe in the Flooded City is next to the first boat gate. It’s in a mesh enclosure, so you’ll have to go around to reach it. Climb up the staircase on the other side of the gate, then head right. Move the cart and crawl through the rubble, then drop down to the safe. The code is on an artifact next to a dead body in the room with the cart – it’s 70 12 64.

10. Big Win Safe On Foot safe code – Seattle Day 1

The Big Win Safe in On Foot chapter is near MS Corporation soft drinks distribution center. You’ll need to go around the back in order to find a hole that lets you enter the room with the safe. If you enter the Camper van next to the warehouse, you’ll find an artifact that points you towards a lottery ticket nailed to the wall. The combination will be written on it and circled with a red pen – it’s 17 38 07.

11. Jasmine Bakery Safe Code – Hostile Territory – Seattle Day 1

The Hostile Territory safe is in the Jasmine Bakery in Chinatown. It’s the shop with the purple marquee, on the left side of the alley with the dragon mural. To get the code, you’ll have to go into the Ruby Dragon restaurant further down the alley. Head into the back and go up the stairs, then jump across the alley onto the upper floor of the antique shop. Head left and you’ll find a note with the combination on the right – it’s 68 96 89.

12. Coast safe code – Seattle Day 1

The Coast safe is on the beached ferry. Go up to the sun deck and turn around – you’ll clearly see it on the bridge, through the hole in the wall. To find the code, you’ll have to head back down to the mezzanine deck, then find the stairs leading further down, into the long hall. The note will be on the stretchers on the far side – the combination on it is 90 77 01.

13. Shortcut safe combination – Seattle Day 2

The Shortcut safe is in the bedroom of the first apartment you enter after leaving the collapsed highway. The hint for the code is written on the note by the whiteboard in front of the bedroom – use the names from the hint to figure out who lives where and you’ll have your combination – it’s 30 23 04. For a more detailed explanation, visit our TLOU2 Shortcut safe code & location guide.

14. Hotel Blacray Descent safe code – Seattle Day 2

The safe and its code in The Descent is in the small storage room near the beginning of the level. As you exit the gym, head immediately to the left, through the door opposite the small counter. That’s the room where the safe is. If you want to find the note that reveals the safe’s code, you’ll find it in the kitchen area behind the counter of Orchards Juice Bar, pinned to a cork-board. Behind the counter of the gym, there’s a sign with the WiFi password, which is also the safe code – it’s 12 18 79. For more info, check out our Descent gym safe code & location guide.
