Second hand cars for sale in Nairobi

August 2024 ยท 2 minute read

Second hand cars for sale in Nairobi

Second hand cars for sale in Nairobi are of two types: the locally used cars and used imports. Used cars imported especially from Japan to Kenya have become a favorite among Kenyans of all income classes. Thousands of vehicles are shipped in from Japan and other places such as the UK through the Mombasa port every month. Kenyans buy such large quantities of vehicles that major used car dealerships in Japan have set up base in Kenya. Used cars for sale in Kenya make up well over 90% of cars entering Kenyan roads every month. It is thus important to learn a few tricks so that you can get the best deals when buying used cars for sale in Kenya.
Buying used cars for sale in Kenya poses quite a number of challenges. This applies especially for cars that have been used locally. The greatest challenge is determining the mechanical soundness of the car. Unless you take the car to a qualified mechanic, most people cannot be able to detect by their own whether the used car has any serious mechanical problem. Mechanical issues such as slow engine knocks, engine mixing oil with water, leaks and many others can only be detected by an expert.Some of the second hand cars for sale in Nairobi include:

List of car dealers who sell second hand cars in Nairobi
