- Sophie Turner hired a live-in therapist to help with her mental and physical health issues.
- The actress opened up about the negative impact of social media on her mental health.
- While the exact cost of Turner's live-in therapist is unknown, it can be estimated to be a significant expense.
Since Game of Thrones went off the air, there's been a lot of interest in what the cast has been up to. This is especially true of Sophie Turner, who has been a magnet for media attention whether it's regarding footage of her children and how she amassed her $10 million fortune. Then there's her divorce from Joe Jonas.
With the legacy media outlets and social media abuzz, it's no wonder why Sophie Turner's mental health has been a challenge. In fact, things got so bad that she actually hired a therapist to live with her...
How Did Sophie Turner Tackle Her Mental And Physical Health Issues?
When Sophie Turner was still a teen, a casting call for the show that became Game of Thrones arrived at her school. Pushed to audition by her drama teacher, Turner told The Hollywood Reporter that she didn't take the process very seriously at first.

Turner also spoke to The Hollywood Reporter about how excited she was when she was cast as Sansa Stark. “My mom woke me up one morning and was like, ‘Good morning, Sansa. I woke up and was like, [in disbelief] ‘No!!!’ and just started crying. It was a really good day.”
Starring in Game of Thrones for years opened a lot of doors for Turner, and it also led to all the positive aspects of being rich and famous that she enjoys. However, when Turner first began filming the show at fourteen years old, there was no way she could have understood that the show would be a destructive force in her life too.

In 2022, Turner spoke to Jessica Chastain for a piece published by The Cut. During the resulting conversation, Turner spoke about filming dark and disturbing scenes for Game of Thrones. As Turner explained to Chastain, she developed a coping mechanism for shooting those scenes.
"It’s just something that growing up on a show like Game of Thrones, the subject matter was so heavy that I just developed a coping mechanism of just having the most fun in between takes, so I wouldn’t get traumatized."
In response to that revelation, Chastain asked Turner if she felt filming those scenes resulted in "some kind of trauma". Sadly, Turner explained she expects those scenes to catch up to her and cause problems. "I’m sure I’ll exhibit some symptoms of trauma down the road."

As sad as it is that Turner believes she was traumatized by Game of Thrones, filming dark scenes isn't the only way the show likely damaged her. During a 2022 interview with Elle U.K., Turner spoke about people judging her on social media because of her Game of Thrones fame causing her to have a major issue.
First off, Turner spoke about her desire to protect her children from the pressure of being in the public eye. "My daughter never asked for any of this. I know what it can do to your mental health to be in this industry and to be photographed every day and have the comments. It’s not something I want her to deal with unless she says, 'This is what I want to do.'"
Turner then went on to explain that even if her kids wanted to follow in her footsteps, she would try to stop them until they became adults. "We’re quite strict about that. We’ll encourage her to do whatever she wants but I don’t think we would professionally let her do anything until she’s 18. I also feel quite strongly about my daughter not becoming a nepotism child."

After speaking about her daughter, Turner addressed how profoundly social media comments can affect her. "I have a love-hate relationship with social media. I wish I’d never got myself involved with it in the first place. I look at the comments on Instagram and think, 'Oh, f**k. Everyone thinks this about me.' It would completely consume me."
As Turner continued to discuss the effect social media has had on her life, she began to talk about the best advice she'd ever received. However, according to Elle U.K.'s writer, Turner stopped talking for a moment to reflect on what to reveal before continuing the interview.

"She takes a pause, gazing at her lap and choosing her words carefully, before looking up again." Turner then went on to talk about actually developing a mental health issue because of social media that affected her physical health as well. Turner also revealed the help she received to recover.
"For a long time, I was quite sick with an eating disorder and I had a companion. I don’t know if you know what a companion is? It’s a live-in therapist, who would ensure I wasn’t doing anything unhealthy with my eating habits."

Turner continued, "One night, I was playing over and over in my mind a comment I’d seen on Instagram. I was like, 'I’m so fat, I’m so undesirable,' and spinning out. She said to me, 'You know, no one actually cares. I know you think this, but nobody else is thinking it. You’re not that important.’ That was the best thing anyone could have told me."
How Much Did Sophie Turner Pay To Have A Live-In Therapist?
Given that Sophie Turner revealed how helpful having a live-in therapist was, it is a shame that kind of service isn't more available. Still, the fact is that most people have never even considered having a live-in therapist, so it isn't a service that is easy to price out.
On top of how rare it is to have a live-in therapist, there is another reason it is impossible to know exactly how much Turner paid for that service. Since Turner hasn't revealed how long she had a therapist live with her, there simply is no way to do the math.
All of that said, it is still possible to get an idea of how much having a live-in therapist might have cost Turner. The best way of doing that is to look into how much people pay to have employees who are providing other services live with them full-time.

According to Zip Recruiter, the national average in America to have a live-in nanny for a year is $40,346. Alternatively, Zip Recruiter reports that the national average to have a live-in housekeeper in America for a year is $121,250.
Finally, Yahoo! Life reported in 2023 that having a live-in personal chef prepare all your meals for a year can cost up to $150,000.

Considering how long therapists have to spend in school to be certified, to have one of them live with you for a year would likely cost more than a nanny, housekeeper, or chef. On top of that, given Turner's fame and fortune, she would almost certainly pay a premium to employ one of the best therapists.
All things considered, it is easy to imagine Turner spending hundreds of thousands for the live-in therapist who helped her in the past. Still, it is important to note that is just an educated guess as the price Turner paid will almost certainly never be revealed publicly.