Ken Howard became Jason Colby's (Charlton Heston) lawyer, Garrett Boydston, on "Dynasty." He also pursued Dominique Deveraux (Diahann Carroll), eventually getting her to agree to marry him. However, Blake's (John Forsythe) half-sister caught Boydston in a lie and called off the engagement, sending this character away from Denver and — yep! — off the show.
Howard made his mark on "Dynasty," but he was better known as Ken Reeves on CBS' "White Shadow," reports People. Reeves was a tough high school's clever basketball coach whose previous NBA affiliation made him a big deal among the team's members. Still, Howard's range surpassed that of present-day bigwigs. In 1972, he walked in Thomas Jefferson's historical shoes in the film and stage versions of "1776." In 1995, he appeared in the futuristic, conspiracy theory-centric "The Net," as the U.S. Under Secretary of Defense who had been set up by cyber-terrorists.
Howard earned praise and an Emmy in 2009 as Jessica Lange's husband in HBO's "Grey Gardens," and in 1970, he won a Tony as Best Featured Actor for "Child's Play." The celebrated actor, who served as the Screen Actors Guild president, also guest-starred on "30 Rock" as Cabletown's CEO and on "The West Wing" as Judge Peyton Cabot Harrison III. A year before his death, Howard appeared in "The Wedding Ringer" with Kevin Hart, and "Joy" starring Jennifer Lawrence.
Ken Howard died of pneumonia on March 23, 2016. He was 71.