Steve Wozniak American Computer Programmer
Whois hedating right now?
According to our records, Steve Wozniak is possibly single.
Steve Wozniak was previously married to Janet Hill (2008), Suzanne Mulkern (1990 - 2004), Candice Clark (1981 - 1987) and Alice Robertson.
Steve Wozniak has been in a relationship with Kathy Griffin (2007 - 2008).
Steve Wozniak is a 73 year old American Computer Programmer. Born Stephen Gary Wozniak on 11th August, 1950 in San Jose, California, he is famous for Co-founder of Apple Computers. His zodiac sign is Leo.
Steve Wozniak is a member of the following lists: American businesspeople, 1950 births and Participants in American reality television series.
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Relationship Statistics
Type | Total | Longest | Average | Shortest |
Married | 4 | 16 years | 10 years | 4 years |
Dating | 1 | 1 year | - | - |
Total | 5 | 16 years | 8 years, 2 months | 1 year |
First Name | Steve |
Middle Name | Gary |
Last Name | Wozniak |
Full Name at Birth | Stephen Gary Wozniak |
Alternative Name | Woz, Rocky Clark |
Birthday | 11th August, 1950 |
Birthplace | San Jose, California |
Height | 5' 9" (175 cm) |
Build | Large |
Eye Color | Brown - Dark |
Hair Color | Salt and Pepper |
Zodiac Sign | Leo |
Sexuality | Straight |
Religion | Secular Humanist |
Ethnicity | White |
Nationality | American |
High School | Homestead High School, Cupertino, CA |
University | University of Colorado, De Anza College, BS Electrical Engineering, UC Berkeley |
Occupation Text | Inventor, computer engineer and programmer |
Occupation | Computer Programmer |
Claim to Fame | Co-founder of Apple Computers |
Talent Agency (e.g. Modelling) | Celebrity Talent International, PFP Sports & Celebrity Talent Agency, NMP Live Limited |
Official Websites | www.woz.org, www.myspace.com/iwoz, www.facebook.com/people/Steve-Wozniak/12631552, twitter.com/SteveWoz, stevewozniak.net/, http://www.woz.org/, www.nndb.com/people/519/000023450/, www.linkedin.com/in/wozniak, biography.yourdictionary.com/steve-wozniak |