New Taco Chex Mix and Pizza Chex Mix: An Honest Review

September 2024 · 2 minute read

Chex Mix is a beautiful snack. It’s savory. It’s crunchy. And it has a lot of variety (although, y’all can ditch those dry little breadsticks, thanks). It’s the very best snack mix in our estimation, so naturally we were excited when Chex announced its new Chex Remix line and two new flavors: Chex Mix Remix Zesty Taco and Chex Remix Cheesy Pizza. We snagged a bag of taco Chex Mix and pizza Chex Mix and tasted them both to find out if they can compete with the genuine article for road trip snack supremacy.

taco chex mix remix zesty taco

New Product!

Chex Mix Remix Zesty TacoInstacart

I’m a real sucker for taco-flavored snacks. In fact, my nachos-at-home hack is sprinkling taco seasoning on top of the shredded cheese and tortilla chips before I put them in the oven. Basically, I was born to love this new taco Chex Mix—and I mostly do. The taco seasoned Chex absolutely slap. They taste kind of like chili cheese Fritos (the best corn chips). The corn chips and itty-bitty cheese puffs in this bag are zesty and tasty, too. Where they went wrong, in my opinion, is with the salsa flavored Chex. They’re so, so coated in seasoning that eating them feels bad and wrong. I don’t have an aversion to super flavor-blasted snacks, but biting into a layer of tangy seasoning powder this thick detracts from the crunch of the Chex. I wouldn’t turn down a bag of taco Chex, but I’d still opt for the regular Chex Mix given a choice. 

Credit: Liv Averett / Instacart




pizza chex mix remix cheesy pizza

New Product!

Chex Mix Remix Cheesy PizzaInstacart

This new Chex Mix Remix is a little bit of a tougher sell. Taco seasoning is already a seasoning. Pizza seasoning is always some weird, tomatoey, vaguely cheesy concoction that doesn’t (and maybe shouldn’t) exist in nature. In a bag of pizza Chex Mix, the pizza sauce flavored Chex are pretty good, but the garlic and herb Chex have the same problem as the salsa flavored Chex in the taco Chex Mix—they’re just so coated in seasoning that they’re gross to eat. Also, the fact that this Remix flavor includes bagel chips should be a big selling point (people love Chex Mix bagel chips), but there were so, so few of them in the bag we got. Maybe two or three total. Honestly, I wouldn’t go out of my way to grab this new Chex Mix again. 

Credit: Liv Averett / Instacart



