As one of the core types of Pokémon alongside Fire, Water and Grass, the Electric type is one of 18 overall types. Unlike some others, which were introduced as Pokémondeveloped through the generations, Electric has existed since the very beginning. Electric is tied with the Normal type for having the fewest weaknesses, as their single weakness is Ground types. Additionally, the Electric type pairs well with other common attacking types, especially Ice —because it is super-effective against Ground (which Electric has no effect on) — as well as the Electric-resistant Grass and Dragon.
Recommended VideosThere are many, many Electric type Pokémon to choose from, some of which are dual-types with Psychic, Steel, Ground, and more. As of Generation VIII, there are 61 (pure) Electric type Pokémon, but only a handful are the very best — like no one ever was.
10. Ampharos

Introduced in Generation II, the Electric type Pokémon Ampharos evolves from Flaafy starting at level 30 and is the final evolved form of Mareep. What sets Ampharos apart from other Pokémon is its ability to Mega Evolve into Mega Ampharos using the Ampharosite.
Jasmine, the Gym Leader of Olivine City’s Gym, has an Ampharos that lights up the Glitter Lighthouse in Olivine City, which debuted in Fight for the Light! and simulatenously marked the species’ debut. Interestingly, an Ampharos appeared in the opening sequence of Lucario and the Mystery of Mew.
9. Dedenne

Dedenne is a dual-type Pokémon, both Electric and Fairy type, and was first introduced in Generation VI. Dedenne is not known to evolve into any other Pokémon. Sharing qualities with Pikachu, Dedenne can communicate using its whiskers, through which it transports currents of electricity. Dedenne’s upper whiskers serve as antennae that can send and receive electrical waves, allowing it to effectively communicate with others of its kind over great distances, sharing locations of food or electricity and sense its surroundings.
Its lower whiskers are organs that can fire electricity. However, Dedenne is unable to generate a lot of electricity on its own. It absorbs electricity from buildings by plugging its tail into outlets. Dedenne debuted in Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!, where it was seen running alongside a boy in Aquacorde Town. However, in the main series, Dedenne appears in Pokémon the Series: XY and XYZ and more specfically, A Battle of Aerial Mobility!, where Clemont tried to catch him for Bonnie as a partner.
8. Morpeko

Like Dedenne, Morpeko is a dual-type Electric/Dark Pokémon introduced in Generation VIII. Morpeko is not known to evolve into any other Pokémon, but can change forms with its Hunger Switch Ability. Its two modes are known as “Full Belly” and “Hungry” mode. As another rodent-like Pokémon, Morpeko shares similarities with Pikachu and Dedenne.
Morpeko carries around Berry seeds that have been electrically roasted in its pockets. It treats the seeds with care as if they were precious treasures, until it eats them as a snack. Regardless, it will still be hungry no matter how much it eats. By experiencing prolonged hunger, the hormones in Morpeko changes, and its fur color changes — hence the “Full Belly” and “Hungry” modes. Additionally, Morpeko is the only known Pokémon capable of learning the move Aura Wheel.
Morpeko debuted in both of its modes in Sobbing Sobble!, where it stole Team Rocket’s food and fled. Later, it encountered Team Rocket again and sent them blasting off with Aura Wheel. Shortly thereafter, Morpeko lived with the Team Rocket trio in their secret base until Take My Thief! Please!, where it was captured by James.
7. Plusle/Minun

Plusle and Minun, the cheering Pokémon, are rarely seen apart. They are pure Electric types, with Plusle defined by its red markings and Minun by its blue ones. Plusle and Minun can create sparkly pom-poms by shorting out the electrical current in their palms. They use these pom-poms to cheer on their teammates and will cry loudly if they lose. Furthermore, Plusle and Minun will climb telephone poles to absorb electricity.
Plusle debuted alongside Minun in A Different Kind of Misty! and both Pokémon were owned by Thatcher, the younger brother of Alyssa, who was responsible for protecting a lighthouse. When trained as a dynamic duo, Plusle and Minun can be valuable additions to any team.
6. Pikachu

It would be completely criminal to discuss Electric type Pokémon without including Pikachu, the co-star and mascot of the entire Pokémon franchise. Pikachu — particularly Ash’s — can be unstoppable if trained to defy any odds. It evolves from Pichu when leveled up with high friendship and evolves into Raichu when exposed to a Thunder Stone. Aside from being a powerful Pokémon on its own, Pikachu also has a Gigantamax form.
As Pokémon has shown, wild Pikachu live in groups in forested areas and communicate amongst themselves using squeaks and tail-shaking as friendly gestures. Electricity can be used to receive and send messages with each other, as well as other Electric Pokémon species. Moreover, Pikachu is the only known Pokémon capable of using the Z-Move Catastropika.
Ash obtains a Pikachu from Professor Oak in Pokémon – I Choose You!, the first episode of the Pokémon anime, which also marked its debut. Ever since, Pikachu has been a constant recurring figure in the Pokémon universe, regardless of its expansion.
5. Jolteon

Jolteon evolves from Eevee when exposed to a Thunder Stone. It is one of Eevee’s final forms, the others being Vaporeon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon, and Sylveon. Jolteon’s prickly fur is made of electrically charged needles and generates negatively charged ions, which create a sparking noise as it moves. It also has an electricity-generating organ in its lungs.
Jolteon debuted in The Battling Eevee Brothers under the ownership of Sparky. It was targeted in one of Team Rocket’s schemes. In Trouble’s Brewing and Espeon, Not Included, Satsuki, one of the Kimono Sisters, owns a Jolteon. It battled Pikachu and ultimately lost after being hit with Pikachu’s Thunder. Kimono Girls usually appear as a quintet of Trainers who each own one of Eevee’s evolutions.
4. Raichu

Just beating its previous evolution, Raichu is the final evolution of Pichu and evolves from Pikachu when exposed to a Thunder Stone. As expected, Raichu is generally more powerful than Pikachu, with the exception of Ash’s. In Alola, Raichu has a dual-type Electric/Psychic regional form.
Raichu’s tail is used to gather electricity from the atmosphere, or it can be planted in the ground to search for electricity. It also protects Raichu from its own high voltage power. The main reason Raichu is rarely seen in the wild is because many people prefer the look it had as Pikachu. Like its pre-evolved forms, Raichu is able to learn Volt Tackle as a signature move. It is the only known Pokémon capable of using the exclusive Z-Move Stoked Sparksurfer.
In Electric Shock Showdown, Lt. Surge has a Raichu that defeated Ash’s Pikachu with its sheer power during Ash’s Gym battle. Ever since, Raichu has appeared several times in both its regular and regional form.
3. Zapdos

Along with Articuno and Moltres, the Electric/Flying type Zapdos is one of the three Legendary birds of Kanto. Zapdos is not known to evolve into any other Pokémon, but in Galar, Zapdos has a dual-type Fighting/Flying regional form.
When Zapdos flaps its wings, it releases electricity that can potentially cause thunderstorms and it produces massive crackling and snapping sounds when it flies. These are attributed to the lightning bolts it sheds when airborne. Zapdos reportedly appears only during thunderstorms and gains power when struck by lightning. It is said to live among thunderclouds, but is rarely seen.
In As Clear As Crystal, when Team Rocket made an attempt to steal a crystal that gave a lake the ability to heal Electric-type Pokémon, but they were sidetracked when a Zapdos showed up. As a result, they changed their objective to capturing Zapdos instead.
2. Raikou

Like Zapdos, Raikou is an Electric type Legendary Pokémon. Along with Entei and Suicune, it’s one of the Legendary beasts resurrected by Ho-Oh after the burning of the Brass Tower. It is believed that Raikou represents the lightning strike that ignited the fire that consumed the Brass Tower.
As seen in the short animation Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs, Raikou is able to fly by creating storm clouds. It is shown to be distrustful of humans, though it may form some friendships with those who help it. Raikou tends to appear during thunderstorms and when other Electric type Pokémon are in danger. Raikou debuted in Houndoom’s Special Delivery, where Togepi and a Houndoom briefly spotted it before it disappeared. In The Legend of Thunder!, Team Rocket members Attila and Hun attempted to capture a Raikou, but failed.
1. Zeraora

Different to a Legendary Pokémon, Zeraora is a Mythical Electric type Pokémon that was introduced in Generation VII in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. Zeraora lacks an electricity-generating organ, so it gathers and stores electricity from outside sources. This Pokémon can create a very powerful magnetic field through the strong electric currents emitted from its paw pads. Using this magnetic field allows it to levitate and move at high speeds while airborne. Zeraora can travel as fast as a lightning strike. Additionally, Zeraora is the only known Pokémon capable of learning the move Plasma Fists.
Zeraora debuted in the Pokémon feature film The Power of Us. Living in Fula City, it was once hunted down by Pokémon poachers and developed a hostility towards all humans following a fire that ravaged Fula City 50 years ago. Zeraora made its main series debut in Battling the Beast Within!. Dia, a former member of the Ultra Rangers, befriended it at some point prior to the episode’s events. As an exceptionally powerful and mysterious Pokémon, Zeraora tops the list.