The Best Snacks if You Love Cheese

June 2024 · 4 minute read

There are two kinds of people in this world: people who love cheesy snacks and people who are wrong (or lactose intolerant, in which case, you are forgiven). If you are the former, however, you are in luck because this list of the best cheesy snacks is a real who’s who of the “what to eat if you love cheese” world. So without futher a-bleu (haha, cheese), let me brie-f you on some of our favorite cheesy snacks.


It should come as no surprise to you that the first cheesy snack on this list of best snacks if you love cheese is, well, cheese. The Sporked team says this is an ideal snacking cheese and as someone who had this in my lunches every day for much of elementary school, I quite agree. Not only is it essentially just a block of yellow cheddar you get to eat plain, they also noted that it is “an appropriate, socially acceptable amount of cheese to have in public settings.” Win-win! These are always in the fridge at Sporked HQ.

Related: The 5 Best Snacking Cheeses to Eat Anywhere, Anytime

Hey what’s this, another straight-up cheese on this list? You camem-bet your butt it is! Makes sense if you think about it, if you are looking for what to eat if you love cheese, eat cheese. Senior writer Jordan Myrick called this cheese “the perfect balance of waxy and pliable” and said that even though it is part-skim, it tastes full fat. Honestly another great, socially acceptable amount and type of cheese to eat in public, and thank god for that, because, I don’t know about you, but if I don’t have cheese with me everywhere I manchego, life gets significantly less gouda.

Related: The 5 Best String Cheeses Will Transport You Back to Elementary School

Airplane! (The Movie)

It truly is the cheesiest movie of all time. And also like cheese, some of it didn’t age well.

Cheddar & Sour Cream Pringles

Now we are on to the cheese-flavored snacks and, hoooo boi, were these Pringles a team favorite. Plus, it would not be a complete list of best snacks if you love cheese without a sour cream and cheddar chip on there, as every cheese lover knows that that is the superior cheese-flavored chip both from Pringles and Ruffles. Sporked contributor Danny Palumbo noted that these chips had a “super rich, full-fat taste” that reminded him of heavy whipping cream, and were overall a tangy and “wonderfully cheesy” treat.

Related: Best Pringles Flavors: We Popped and Truly Couldn’t Stop

Annie’s Rich & Creamy Classic Cheddar

Now you may argue that mac and cheese is not a snack, but this is, in fact, microwave mac and cheese, which I believe firmly places it in snack territory, so we are going with it. I’ll be straight with you: Jordan called this mac and cheese a perfect 10. Why? Because as Jordan said, “This microwaveable mac and cheese isn’t just good. It’s great. It tastes like you made it on the stovetop. It’s so creamy. The shells were perfectly al dente.” It doesn’t get much cheddar than that (get it? like “better”?)

Related: The Best Microwave Mac and Cheese for Quick Comfort

Now for, arguably, the most famous cheesy snack, Cheetos! But the variety that made our list of best snacks if you love cheese isn’t just the plain cheesy Cheetos, no, no, these are the Jalapeño Cheddar Cheetos, which are as complex as they are delicious. Danny noted that these “hit you with crunchy and cheesy heat all at once,” and he also noted the balanced nature of these bad boys, explaining that “where classic Cheetos lack spice and Flamin’ Hot Cheetos lack cheese flavor, Cheddar Jalapeño Cheetos are the best of both worlds, making them far and away the most balanced and delicious Cheetos product.” For the record, I totally a-brie. Y’all have to try these if you haven’t already.

Related: Orange Stained Fingers Be Damned, We Ranked the 9 Best Cheetos Flavors

Feta-p (get it? like “fed up”? okay, I’ll stop) with all of the non-deep-fried options on this list? Think the other options are mozzar-hella basic? (okay, I didn’t stop) Look no further than gruyere favorite and mine, mozzarella sticks from TGI Friday’s. The Sporked team loved these not only because the cheese melted into the perfect ooey, gooey, stretchy, creamy texture, but also because they “have good flavor, great quality cheese, and a crispy, crunchy panko breading,” that put them way above any other mozzarella stick offering. You could even say that these mozz sticks ended up parmes-on top. Alright, I will brie myself out.

Related: The 5 Best Frozen Mozzarella Sticks for at-Home Apps
