The DCEU’s final film is officially in theaters, and it’s really not so impressive after all.
Recommended VideosSure, The Flash is better than Justice League, but it’s not hard to feel superior when the bar for quality burrowed itself into the ground several years back. The fact of the matter is, up until James Gunn truly takes the lead, DC is synonymous with overly dark (sometimes literally) tones, wooden dialogue, and tired, uninspired script writing. It’s a pale shadow of its Marvel competition, and The Flash really didn’t change that.
The latest, and (blessedly) last DCEU flick delivers a few things — namely, Sasha Calle’s Supergirl and Michael Keaton’s Batman — well, but everything else feels like a cheap imitation of 2021’s Spider-Man: No Way Home. The film is already considered a massive flop, particularly by fans of the superhero genre, who’ve graced the flick with a great for DC, but abysmal for supposedly “the greatest superhero film ever made,” Rotten Tomatoes score.
Spoiler alert for anyone who’s yet to set their sights on the utterly adequate release that is The Flash: it is not the greatest superhero film ever made. It is also not “magnificent,” (another Gunn claim), and it’s certainly nothing overly new for the superhero world, but it’s watchable — something several Marvel-adjacent films (cough Morbius cough) don’t have in their favor.
Still, few people are holding their breath for another Miller outing via The Flash 2. Except for one fan, that is, who recently took to Twitter to share their stellar idea for a follow-up to the final DCEU release. They managed to hit the nail directly on the head with their Flash 2 pitch, which would see “The Flash go back in time and stop the ‘THE FLASH’ from ever releasing.”
BREAKING: ‘THE FLASH 2’ will see The Flash go back in time and stop the ‘THE FLASH’ from ever releasing pic.twitter.com/MZNOpPrkXW
— Le Cinéphiles (@LeCinephiles) June 18, 2023Now that’s what we call meta! It would save us all so much time, and money, if Miller’s Flash simply used that new access to the Speed Force to unmake the heaping pile of mediocrity he, and the execs over at Warner Bros., shoveled into our laps with their overly-hyped film. Any far-reaching effects, like a new Batman actor, would surely be worth it — so long as no fresh Miller clones are added to the fold.