The One Item Of Clothing Dolly Parton Will Never Be Caught Wearing

May 2024 ยท 2 minute read

After performing and making public appearances wearing tight attire and high heels, Dolly Parton isn't one for putting sweatpants on when she's taking time out. In a 2021 interview with WSJ, the "I Will Always Love You" chart-topper explained she was never tempted to relax in a pair of comfy trousers when not leaving the house during the pandemic, per Music News.

"I don't wear sweatpants. But I do like to be comfortable like everybody else," she expressed, adding, "I have my own little house clothes, like a little dress-type teddy, a long teddy, then I have a little jacket or shirt to match if I get cold. I call them my baby clothes because they're soft like a baby. But I don't wear sweat clothes."

It seems Parton isn't one for attending gym sessions either. Instead, she stays fit by creating her own "rejoicing exercises" at home. "I grew up in the Pentecostal church where we used to do a lot of shouting and jumping around. I keep my motor running in the mornings when I just shout through the house praising the Lord," the entrepreneur said. "It gave me an idea to create some easy exercises, and I'm making music to go along with it ... I thought I could create something joyful, where you were doing something for a reason rather than yourself."
