The True Story Of Two Yankees Teammates Who Swapped Their Wives And Families

June 2024 ยท 1 minute read

In 1973, Fritz Peterson explained the details of the family swap in a press conference. As reported by the New York Daily News, he asked the public to not assume anything sleazy about the situation, as it was just a love story, albeit an unusual one. "It wasn't a sex thing. It was not a cheap swap," he said (via Bleacher Report). Mike Kekich (pictured above), on the other hand, said, "Unless people know the full details, it could turn out to be a nasty type thing. Don't say this was wife-swapping, because it wasn't. We didn't swap wives, we swapped lives."

New York Yankees general manager Lee MacPhail said that the only thing Peterson and Kekich requested was for neither of them to be traded to another team, as they wanted to remain close to their respective children. The family swap affected their personal lives, but Kekich said that it didn't affect their relationship as teammates. After the 1973 season, Kekich was traded to the Cleveland Indians. According to New York Magazine, Peterson was also sent to Cleveland, but Kekich was gone from the team by that time. Their friendship had deteriorated after the swap, and they eventually lost touch.
