The Truth About The Father Of Modern-Day Parapsychology

November 2024 ยท 2 minute read

J.B. Rhine changed the field of parapsychology through not only his passion for studying psychic phenomena but also his passion for teaching others how these phenomena can be researched and possibly utilized. He founded the laboratory for parapsychology research at Duke University in North Carolina, where it lived for 35 years before the program ended, according to Duke University Libraries.

The first "Journal of Parapsychology" peer-reviewed book was published in 1937 and included every bit of research and discovery thus far in the newly established field. When the parapsychology department closed at Duke University, Rhine founded the Foundation for the Research into the Nature of Man in Durham, which was later called the Rhine Research Center, according to The Rhine.

The research center is still very much active today and carries with it a profound mission statement (via The Rhine): "The Rhine's mission is to advance the science of parapsychology, to provide education and resources for the public, and to foster a community for individuals with a personal and professional interest in PSI." Through his work, J.B. Rhine opened the door of science to an entirely new world waiting to be discovered. With a brilliant mind and an openness to new perceptions, Rhine allowed those with their own experiences or curiosity to finally come together to find answers to questions that many before them were too afraid to ask.
