Tom Six Teases Graphic Novel Adaptation Of The Human Centipede

August 2024 · 2 minute read

Human Centipede

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While not exactly in the tippy-top-tier of the “torture porn” sub-genre, Tom Six’s 2009 film The Human Centipede made quite a stir upon release. It centered around a sadistic German doctor who abducts three tourists and links them surgically, anus to mouth, to form exactly what the title suggests. It definitely found success, too, if you can call it that, earning itself a decent sized fanbase which asked for a few sequels.

Much in the same way that we can’t help but stare at a gruesome car crash, funding for future Human Centipede films continuously poured in and Six was able to make two follow-ups to the original, both of which were nowhere near as successful as the first one but again, had their supporters. Now, seemingly undeterred by the diminishing box office returns of the last few outings, the director is intent on carrying on with the franchise. Though this time, it’s through a different medium.

And that’s because the mastermind behind The Human Centipede: Complete Sequence (all three films compiled into a single family-friendly adventure), took to Twitter this week and unveiled a graphic novel adaptation of the first entry in the franchise, teasing it with the image in the gallery below – which came with the caption: “We don’t have the right deal with a distributor yet but the graphic novel of the first Human Centipede is fucking ready for world domination!”

As Six mentions, his graphic novel is still seeking distribution, thank the heavens, but judging by how quickly the filmmaker was able to secure funding for Full and Final Sequence, fans looking to get their hands on this “must-have” shouldn’t have long to wait. In the meantime, those who’ve seen The Human Centipede: Complete Sequence can prepare by continuing to thoroughly wash their eyeballs.

Unfortunately, though, your soul is something that probably won’t come clean.
