Undertaker Says Omos The Closest Thing Wrestling Has To Andre The Giant

July 2024 · 2 minute read

Calling it a big statement, -- and one that is lofty considering Omos is essentially a rookie and nowhere near the level of one of the greatest legends in the wrestling world -- when asked about what he thinks of WWE's resident big man, Taker called Omos the closest thing wrestling has come to Andre the Giant.

That Omos and Andre are being compared by one of the biggest icons in the wrestling business shouldn't be taken lightly. It's steep praise and perhaps an unfair bar for Omos to try and live up to, but based on the sheer size of the man, the way he stands out next to other WWE talent, and how WWE seems to be pushing him of late, the company must see it too and wants to take advantage of the attraction-like quality Omos has. There may have been no bigger an attraction in wrestling than Andre the Giant.

While a guest on The Bump, The Undertaker was asked what advice he might give Omos and said, "I'll say this. There will never be another Andre, but this guy is as close as we've come." He added, "That's a big statement, but he's special." Undertaker then said the big thing for him to realize is that he is special and different from everybody else. It will be important for Omos to protect that aspect of himself as he grows and works his way up in WWE.

Undertaker said he's spoken to Omos personally and said they've talked about things he should do and he shouldn't do and let the big man know if things get too heat to call him. It sounds like The Undertaker is looking out for Omos and will go to bat for him in WWE if necessary.

Omos Appreciated The Kind Words

Omos responded to the clip and said, "Man…I’m lost for words… Just grateful… Thank you." It must be nice to know you have such an icon looking after your success and wanting to see you grow into a huge star. It's hard to imagine having a better person in your corner than when it comes to making a name for yourself in WWE and under Vince McMahon.
