Tow-Behind Dethatcher for Riding Mowers helps prevent roots, leaves, grass clippings and other small vegetation from inhibiting the growth of your lawn. It features 20 flexible dual-tine tips to comb the matted layer of thatch in a lawn.Click to see full answer. In respect to this, what does a Dethatcher do?A dethatcher, also known as a vertical mower or verticutter, uses a series of vertically oriented blades to cut through a lawn’s thatch layer, loosening the thatch and bringing it to the lawn surface.Beside above, do you have to rake after dethatching? Mow your lawn to half its normal height before you begin dethatching. Using a dethatching rake is similar to using a regular rake. After dethatching, your lawn will look ragged. Rake up the loosened thatch and remove it from the lawn. Hereof, do lawn mower Dethatching blades work? Small dethatching blades are sold as lawn-mower attachments, but they’re not the best choice because they put a lot of strain on the mower. Most people rent a power dethatcher. Some have flat steel blades. For bluegrass and similar varieties, wire tines can work.How do you use a Dethatcher?Mow grass and then remove large leaves and sticks using a lawn sweeper or vacuum. After attaching the lawn dethatcher to your riding lawnmower, make two perpendicular passes – being sure to overlap each time. Sweep up loosened thatch with a rake or with a lawn sweeper or vacuum for large areas.