What Happened To Ted Beneke In Season 5 Of Breaking Bad? Update On Christopher Cousins Role Today

April 2024 · 3 minute read

In the TV show Breaking Bad, Christopher’s cousin Ted Beneke ran and owned the company Beneke Fabricators, which he got from his father.

Beneke was both Skyler White’s boss and her lover. He has twin daughters and is no longer married. In his later years, he took over the family business and became close with the people who worked there.

As Beneke Fabricators’ money started to run out, he turned to big fraud to keep the business going. He did this by changing the company’s financial records.

In Season 5 of Breaking Bad, what happened to Ted Beneke?

In the fifth season of the drama “Breaking Bad,” Saul Goodman goes to the A1A Car Wash to tell Skyler White that Ted has a problem.

After Skyler found out that Ted was cheating on his taxes, he tried to get her to help him change the books. But in the fourth season of Breaking Bad, the IRS found out about the business’s tax fraud.

If Beneke had been found guilty, he might have lost his money and gone to jail. In order to avoid a harsh punishment, he had to pay more than $600,000 in back taxes and fines.

Skyler gave him the money he needed, but Ted didn’t use it to fix the problem.

After that, Skyler told two bodyguards to use questionable lawyer Saul Goodman to force Ted to write a check to the IRS (Bob Odenkirk).

He then got scared and tried to run away, but tripped over a rug and seriously broke his neck.

Ted was thought to have died, but Skyler went to see him in the hospital in season 5, and he promised to keep all of her and her family’s secrets to himself.

Where is actor Christopher Cousins Ted Beneke now?

Saul tells Skyler that Ted Beneke has actually come out of his coma. At first, Skyler thought he was dead because she didn’t know about his accident.

When he came out of the coma, he was in very bad shape. Cousins said that most people thought that Ted was afraid of White people for the rest of his life.

The actor thought that Ted might have quadriplegia because of what happened, which would keep him in bed and leave him alone.

Even if he settled his fraud with the IRS, he probably lost his business and most of his other things after Breaking Bad.

Ted’s status was one of the unanswered questions in Breaking Bad and its sequel, El Camino.

Once Walt’s illegal actions were out in the open, Ted might have felt safe enough to talk to investigators.

What’s going on with Ted Beneke?

Ted Beneke, who is scared, tries to run away but trips on a rug and hits his head on some furniture, likely hurting his neck.

So, he was taken to the hospital with a serious neck injury. And that was the end of his time on Breaking Bad.

When Skyler visits Beneke in the hospital, he is in very bad shape because of his terrible neck injury. He tells her that he will keep everything that has happened to him secret.
