What Does it Mean To Be a "Girl's Girl" on TikTok?

September 2024 · 3 minute read

Are you a "girl's girl"? If you're not sure what a girl's girl is, TikTok will break it all down for you. We will too, because we've got your back, girlie.

Bianca Piazza - Author

Are you a true girl’s girl, or are you just a b---h? Now that we have your attention, a real girl’s girl has her BFF’s back. If your “friend” has been staring, even giggling at the coral lipstick on your front tooth all night, she’s not a girl’s girl. If she “forgot” to tell you about the toilet paper stuck to the bottom of your stiletto heel, she’s not a girl’s girl.

And if she’s, er, “innocently” texting your ex, she’s definitely not a girl’s girl.

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According to the always-reliable Urban Dictionary, a girl's girl "has respect for female etiquette" (whatever that means). Additionally, she's "a girl who is not petty and strives to be ethical and decent in her dealings with her female friends." Now that's something we can get behind.

The term has been trending over on TikTok, and the gals have lots of opinions on what a "girl's girl" really is, not to mention what she isn't.

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What is a "girl's girl" on TikTok?

Overall, "girl's girl" is a highly commendable title. As mentioned, it simply puts emphasis on the importance of tight-knit female friendships. In fact, TikTok user @elliemaegrady — who boasts over a million followers — doesn't understand why you wouldn't want to be considered a girl's girl.

Ellie begins by clarifying that a girl's girl doesn't need to have a zillion female besties, she just needs to value and respect the ones she does have. Not only that, but she's always there for women in general.

"If you look really nice and I can tell that you're feeling yourself, you've got a nice dress on, nice makeup, I will tell you, because I want to make you feel happy!" she explains. "I won't say it to make you uncomfortable like some girls do," she says before imitating a girl with cruel, snotty intentions.

"I just don't understand some girls' behavior, like why you would ever want to be mean or make another girl feel uncomfortable or sad, I just do not get it ... weird." We don't get it either, Ellie.

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Some TikTok users, like @sarahklait, have parodied what it means to be a girl's girl. Scratch that, Sarah's video actually showcases what it means to be a guy's girl or a "pick-me girl."

"POV: the 'girl's girl' comes to check on you at a party," the video's caption reads. Rather than standing by her girlies, Sarah's hilariously oblivious character is more concerned with seeking approval from men.

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"I'm a girl's girl, I always defend my girlies," she says. In the same breath, she calls the TikTok's protagonist, so to speak, "sloppy," even telling her that all the guys were "laughing and pointing" at her for tripping on some stairs.

"Get it together, girlie, no guy likes a girl that's walking around sloppy like you," she continues, blowing some kisses for good measure. We can't help but giggle.

When it comes down to it, a true girl's girl is for the ladies, for the gals, and she'll do just about anything to lift another woman up, whether she knows her personally or not. Can we get a round of applause for women?
