I have always adored eggplant. Apparently this is a somewhat controversial opinion—my fiancee, for example, is not a fan at all—but I contend it’s all about having it prepared the right way. When I was a kid, I would devour eggplant parm, which is basically just a vehicle for cheese. As I grew a little older, I learned to love the subtle smokiness of eggplant in a variety of Thai and Greek dishes, and to this day I’ll seek out eggplant whenever I can. Today, we’re talking about yet another delicious way to enjoy this most aubergine of vegetables: ajvar relish. But what is ajvar? How do you eat it? What does it taste like? Let’s find out and try our best not to use the word “eggcellent” along the way.
What is ajvar relish?
Ajvar is a form of relish that originally comes from Yugoslavia. It is made with sweet red peppers and, of course, eggplant, alongside some garlic, salt and pepper, and perhaps other spices. It is sometimes known as Serbian caviar but there is no fish roe in there.
Even if you haven’t seen ajvar in the flesh, you might be familiar with a Trader Joe’s product called “Red Pepper Spread with Eggplant and Garlic,” which seems to be a pretty close approximation. I have sampled this and would say it’s pretty delicious, but it appears the company may no longer be making this product. I also can’t claim that it’s the most authentic version of the food.
There are some variants that are made with tomatoes and eggplants, or with green bell peppers and oregano, but generally speaking, we’re talking about eggplant and red peppers.
How to pronounce ajvar correctly?
Despite its spelling, “ajvar” is pronounced like EYE-var, and is in fact similar to the Serbian word for caviar.
How to eat ajvar?
Ajvar is usually eaten on top of bread or as a side dish in its own right. It wouldn’t be out of place alongside some meat and cheese on a charcuterie board, either, and it can be used in a variety of recipes.
How to use ajvar?
As noted above, ajvar can be eaten as a spread for bread or as a side dish. But it can also be used in a variety of dishes to add a kick of smoky, peppery flavor. The website Cookpad has a list of all sorts of different recipes that utilize this savory condiment.
Is ajvar spicy?
As with many condiments, ajvar comes in a range of heat levels, from the exceedingly mild to the extremely spicy. “Traditional” ajvar is not spicy at all, but the “picante” version has more of a kick. And there is even more spicy ajvar available too. If you’re spice-averse, be sure to start with a small amount before diving in.