Ratine fabric is the general term for any fabric made from Ratine yarns. These yarns are fancy yarns and have a nubbly surface. The Ratine fabric created from these yarns is loosely woven and constructed using a plain weave. It is usually made from cotton, wool or silk and is a heavyweight fabric.Click to see full answer. In respect to this, what is snarl yarn?A snarl yarn uses a twist-lively strand to form the projecting snarls. The twist of the effect strand is usually in the same direction as the twist that holds the effect and core strands; the binder strand is usually twisted in the opposite direction. A binder strand may or may not be used.Also, which is the novelty yarn? Novelty yarns are classified according to the single or ply structure: Single yarns are Tweed and Slub Yarns. Ply Yarns are Ratine, Spiral, Knot, Snarl and Boucle. Apart from these, there are many other novelty yarns like Chenille, Flake, metallic and textured yarns. Similarly, what is fancy yarn in textile? Fancy Yarn: Yarn refers to a structure composed of continuous length of interlocked fibers. They are suitable for use in the production of textiles, sewing, crocheting, knitting, weaving, embroidery and rope making. However, fancy yarn deviates from the normal yarns. With spun effect by means of fibres.Which novelty yarn has thick thin areas?Slub yarn: This is a yarn with thick and thin placing by varying the amount of twist in the yarn at regular intervals. Basically we find it in drapery and upholstery fabrics. The other name of these yarns is flake yarns. This is one type of novelty yarn.